Update? Where are the news?

News post dropping in 15 minutes, when most stuff was already digged up on this thread


Because having the exclusive stuff is a flex so why wouldnā€™t you use them? Also theyā€™re more viable now with the BR system but I still havenā€™t seen any of the kickstarter weapons and none of the founder squads except when I use mine. Timed exclusives are better, itā€™s been 3 years so itā€™s time to give them out in the form of an event.


The only one that will cost money is the Japanese squad. The other 2 are event rewards.


Nah I think itā€™ll be a pre order because of the portrait. Although the portrait could be part of the event.


anyway speculation aside i will enjoy using the german one over premium one since it have a canon that i assume could do some damage and aoe damage (unless it round suck but then again i am not an expert on ammunition or anything so i wouldnt know)

Btw is it possible to spawn two apcs or does one have to disappear (or maybe you can only have one at the same time) ?

Should be the same as Pz III N and early Pz IV, so it should be quite potent in the support fire.

yea you can only have one at a time

so once you spawn the old one explode

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only one active as a time.

however, you can have both an apc UP and a single rally point.


that my strat tbh spawn apc then build rally it give a lot of point

not to mention that it really helpful for the team too


itā€™s a god send considering certain alliesā€¦ or their lack of rally points of their own.

so itā€™s both helpful as rewarding.

( considering that you are still driving the apc and make your way to build another rally taking alot of time. but still )

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Donā€™t ask me, I am not owner of those squads. But tbh, they all look pretty boring. Just copypasted weapons which are in tech tree.
Btw. It is very much possible they do have shtt perk points like horn stg or pz IV j armored squads. But I have no clue. :man_shrugging:


I really hope this will change in the future

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Because they donā€™t have the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

How do you use them on apc editors?

I spawn inside them

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Ok thanks for the answer

Wow new version after 4 hrs

Is this going to be a gold order, this is beautiful, its in game now (editor right?)

I own them and they come with max perked assaulter 2ā€™s and unique BR 2 weapons. The weapons for Germany are just better versions of the tech tree weapons (MP41 & MP28 extended mag) but the US and USSR weapons are unique. Canā€™t really call them boring when A. You donā€™t own them & B, they are better versions of popular guns in the tech tree.