Our Roadmap

Well, you have more ideas than me since I couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t completely mess up the balance

eh my idea will mess up the balance in some way tbh

Very exiting

If it will be like in WT where i have spent over 16mil SL and got nothing but few crappy decals i may as well ignore that feature since it will drain our money and give us nothing with sub 1% chance.


Veteran’s Box with old event rewards for Silver

So spending silvers to buy lootboxes? I feel like the probability of landing a good reward would be atrociously low.

This seem to be the only bad thing on the list.


As for the Q&A, my question would be, just like the last time:

Any plans on updating (at least) the first person animations?

I remember asking this way, way back in an Q&A and they mentioned it is not a priority. Years have passed and we are still running same old animations and it is very clear that DF does not have a dedicated animator. A good example is climbing ladders animations, you can add the Benny Hill song theme and it would fit right in on how ridiculous it looks.

My old post on animations :

On a side note. The match leaving is a major problem for the general experience and should be a priority. Made a post recently that got some traction and discussion going.

Other feedback topics I covered in the past that perhaps can get more attention:

I would add to the list that, APCs and tanks could use some love as of now. You get stuck too often and most of the time you can’t climb a generic slope. They could be made a bit more responsive so you don’t feel like you are underwater all the time. I dont suggest on them being faster or overpowered but a bit more responsive to use in general. There are a lot of maps where you leave your spawn and you are stuck on something or simply at 2km/h speed going up a generic slope/hill. It is just not fun to be stuck or slowed all the time.


hope that we can get more love for the pacific/north african battlefields


We already have BA-11 premium and it’s not very good


yea i seen that yesterday it confuse me for a second (and then it wobble around for some reason very funny)

I have to suggest a function for the replay.

Add a both side player mark in game just like CSGO replay can show up the enemies outline

it would be helpful to check out the player who is cheater during in replay.

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  1. More customisation options for soldiers + more customisation orders + cheaper costs for said customisations + pricing in silver NOT gold.
  2. Nationality picking for soldiers where applicable - i.e. British OR American soldiers for Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Assaulter, Medic, AT and Sniper roles, Italian OR German soldiers for Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Assaulter, Medic, AT and Sniper roles.

They will probably be like 50k silver.


Bro just gave me an idea about a vehicle that can revive lost soldiers in the squad

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that not bad considering that soldier cost like 1/5 of that (pretty sure tier 3 cost 10k but i might be wrong since i haven’t check)

And don’t forget every Squad type for Britain and Italy


I, personally, like the idea of a tiered system of AT guns for 1-2, 3, 4-5. I also would love to see Italian guns for Italians, and British guns for Brits.

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I also recommended this. I second this enthusiastically.


Fox was extremely rude and sarcastic with his responses acting like we are the problem not devs many stupid decisions, it’s like he hated his job and especially us players.
Of course we are not always right but seeing last changes it seems DF is finally starting to listen more to our constructive criticism and improving the game instead just sitting on broken and half assed mechanics.


dam kinda glad i didnt know all that much about fox

it like those documentary story all over again

Probably just like war thunder. A COMPLETE SCAM