My take on animations of this game...constructive feedback

I love what you guys did with the weapons in terms of sounds and flame/smoke/spark when shooting. It really helps with the immersion and atmosphere of the scenery.

But I have to say, the animations are very few in numbers and repetitive, which makes this game look ‘indie’ or ‘low budget’.

The first person (when running for example) or third person animations are very generic and little effort for 2022 standards. I know you said a few months a go this is not a priority. But honestly it makes the game look cheap. This is very disappointing especially when the engine is clearly very capable and the scenery looks very, very good, some maps are eye candy. The environment and animations are two extremes, they do not work together.

Main issue with animations is the lack of variety, same 1-2 animations on loop repeat with no transitions, makes characters feel robot like and cheap.

Here are a few examples related to animations:

You can notice there is an animation for when the character stops running, or when they chance pose or when they strafe or how they lean depending on the direction they go or perhaps the way the character uses his hand when running into a door… etc the list could go on.

The idea is that, little by little, with multiple variations it makes the characters feel alive. Enlisted does not have that. Characters are generic and robot like.

I hope in the future, you guys will give this some attention. Animations create immersion and brings the game to life.


I couldnt agree more. I would add the aim downsight animation, its incredibly fast and looks way to unrealistic


I think this is an issue all games have, on one hand you want to keep the game fun and accessible other hand make animations feel natural. A lot of times in a lot of games you will see super fast animations for reload for example that look totally ridiculous.

Took the words right out of my mouth. It’s very surprising how certain aspects of the game (sort of) compete with AAA titles (like vehicle modules system, terramorphing, engineer constructions, etc) but other basic ones like running animations of going prone literally look like 2010s project.

PS funny that when I googled “stiff game animation” images one of the results was literally an Enlisted thread from over a year ago

Sad part is that I remember an interview with some devs a couple of months ago and they said that animations are not a priority…which to me is baffling since is so immersion ruining and makes the image of the game looks very cheap “indie” like. First impressions matter.

First time posting here. I love the gameplay, I love the authenticity, but I agree. A lot of the character animations need to be polished up a bit. When a squad of 6 dudes all moves the exact same, with no difference in pace, or swagger - it comes off as artificial and a bit robotic. I’m plenty happy with the weapons, the reload animations are pretty good too! I just wish there were more verity for the troops. Aiming down sight animations would be neat, even just the occasional idle animation where a soldier could glance around, scratch his chin strap, quickly scan his weapon, chew nervously, grit their teeth a bit, ect.

Even sprinting, and crouching could use some deviations besides the same ones across the board.

If they really want to sell it, they could even have each soldier’s animations match a mood, like they do perks or cosmetics. You could have a set of animations for “Alert”, another set of animations for “weary”, or “excited”, or whatever.

Dunno - again I love the game, but even if this post was from 11 months ago, I think it’s still valid.

I would love to see more fluid character animations, and variety from basic movement actions, to idle stances. It doesn’t have to be overly fast or crazy like other action shooters, but anything that could help the current animations out is a plus for the immersion in my book! Right now, everyone seems to move with a uniform set of animations and it makes the game feel artificial, which is a darn shame given the awesome detail put into most of everything else!

*PS, also some variations to tank commanders sticking out of the hatches. Each time I see a tank drive with the hatch open, the commander is sitting unnaturally strait and staring unflinchingly forward. Perhaps have them duck around a little, maybe even have them pull out some binoculars and peep through them from time to time, or pull up a radio piece and hold it close to their mouth for a few moments before dropping it back into the tank.

I think there is a ton of potential with animation improvements, and hope we get an character model animations overhaul sometime later this year or so. It would be awesome!!

This added to that stupid ring with the sights kills the game every time.