Reworking old locations

Noooooo, I still want to Sherman the bunker

No I’m talking about the sandbag MGs up the hills

I shell them too


Do you think you could get the mountain ranges while doing the RS1 Peleliu airfield?


Based and grey zone pilled

Removing Hedgehogs on DDay, is a bit strange, they are very iconic. I can estimate this is to make gameplay better for vechicles, which it’s a welcoming change, but add some for the scenery/atmosphere. Maybe a bombing crater or beached landing ship.

Don’t forget the choke point on Dday, on 2nd base, where tanks need to squeez in two areas that can lead to being stuck in spawn as tank due to someone dying in the choke point and unable to push wreckage.

PS: While this is great news, I hope you guys do something with animations in the future, it what makes the game feel/look indie and cheap. At least in first person, the running animations are ‘outdated’ to put it mildly.

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Hate to break it to all the D-Day haters, but attacking D-Day as the Allies is actually really easy when you don’t charge into the meat grinder. You can skirt the whole map, dodging all gun fire, breach through a wall using an explosive pack, and get a spawn point behind enemy lines.

Once the first objective is clear just keep pressing the sides of the hills, get spawn points up high above each base and you’re golden. I don’t recall the last time I played as Allies and didn’t just roll over the Germans on D-Day. It’s one of the most surefire victories in the Normandy campaign, in my experience.


or… use smokes.

overrated perhaps…

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If you ever get downed in front of bot, just deploy a smoke grenade and he will lose sight of you.
AI 100% can’t see through smoke, but players are usually not so gullable

Fun fact:

Assuming that the purple dots on the map are where soldiers died (at least in one match), your claim is actually supported by data evidence.

That route is indeed rather safe. Most of it is even safe from hill camping tanks. All US has to do is to hurry and build a rally inside the northeastern bunker before defenders get in position.


The houses of stalingrad are way too small in this game.


I found the heat map amusing because there is nothing on my standard routes lol

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I believe the heat map is generated by the deaths of soldiers because I find it very surprising tbh.
But it’s maybe just a reality check: this is how the general player plays this game lmao.

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yeah, this is the route and tactic works every time.
If you build a rally there, their will be no soldiers on the beach for the enemy team to shoot.

My first 5 battles, I was getting slaughtered on the beach. But then you should know how to avoid the madness. The other flank? Not as good as this one, but works ok.


Regarding the changes:

Removing hedgehogs? Do more bad than good, IMO. They were great covers and never stopped my advance.
Removing barbered wire? Yes, please.

Another thing we haven’t talked about. You added doors to some house assets in Normandy/Berlin.
That’s the best thing you could’ve done. Love it. I appreciate you reworking the old maps.


You Are removing the realistic from the d-day map and you are making it harder for the allies to push by removing the tank blockade from the beaches you remove the places you can hide from mg fire.

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I like that you are re working maps.

I don’t like what you’ve done to Normandy D-Day. It was fine before and I never had any trouble getting off the beach if my team was decent. Now there is barely any cover and it does not look like D-Day anymore! The tank traps were great cover for infantry now there’s just a wide open kill zone for MGs. I play all factions btw so I’m not biased at all.

If you wanted to clean up some obstacles for tanks you should have cleaned up Berlin maps which are full of big indestructible tank obstacles.

Yes I always used that route until paras came then I just dropped near that exact flank or onto the point and attacked from there.

Please avoid the usage of inappropriate words and politics from the forum thank you.

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the amount of hedgehogs on the beach was not realistic. that’s leftover pop culture from Saving Private Ryan


Devs trying so hard proving they don’t play the game

Maybe $talingrad is ok, except the issue with $talingrad is more than just few bushes and covers…

But D-Day, dude you are removing hard covers for US side, how is that helping at all?