Reworking old locations

Heat map says that map right is not heavily contested…which is certainly my experience. Pretty easy to find a seam and get on to the point from there. That and its the highground with defilade from most positions.

The challenge is taking it solo while the rest get killed funneling down down the middle


MG and HMG enjoyers are going to have a field day gunning down allies with almost no cover after these changes in Normandy. Also, the third cap point in the Normandy re work may be a big problem because of the new cliffs in front of the point, the bots are probably all going to go left along the road and get massacred so that is also going to be a tough point to cap. This is not a necessary change as that was already a pretty difficult point to cap.

It doesn’t need to be hot over on the flanks though. The thing about rifles and tanks and stuff is they can hit people from other areas of the map. I might be on the flank, doesn’t mean the enemy that killed me was too.

Being wise to the flanking route doesn’t always mean going over there and camping it, it can just mean watching your surroundings, being prepared, keeping an eye on it from wherever you are.

just had a match in D-Day, it didnt feel any different for infantry and became a lot better for tanks.
Overall good change in gaming experience.

I was under the impression that these changes were not live yet is that the case or not?

The strength and experience of your enemies is the main factor in this game that creates a difficult game. Because veterans know most likely both sides and the routes to cover and will be able to take advantage of every minor advantage. I’m sure if you were up against a group of veterans on that beach it would have been a bloodbath. You could have an easy game on any map if it’s just bots and a couple of newbies.

Just wait until we get BRs and you are vs 10 veteran players with maxed out kit on both sides it’s gonna be glorious.

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the new maps are live?

did they include bots in heat map? considering their number you could get extremely polluted result if they were included. they always take simplest way from spawn to cap point.

but then again lots of players perform on par with bots or even worse…


why on earth are they not ALL HANDS ON DECK with the merger? we keep seeing making this better, making that nicer, making those sound better, why and oh why are we getting these?

every time i open the forum and see another post in the NEWS section, its always all this stuff that is, at the very best, tangent to the state of the game, and most probably, will be totally different, maybe even useless, when BR matchmaking kicks in. a match with 40% bots and all levels happily mixed is NOT the same as a match with full geared max level 10v10 players.


i think they’re, they just don’t show it, and we may see huuuge list of changes once merger kicks in.

gajin isn’t dumb enough to waste resources on things that wouldn’t be relevant after the merger (unless quick buck can be earned)

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well cause not all hands are useful for merger. you cant expect that e.g. map makers will contribute something to the merge. everyone has different responsibilities and are working on different mechanisms of the game.

Good idear place more Objects that we can stuck more on each of them with a 68 tons tank.

indeed they can. i can assure you that the test server they have is full of bugs. the more people testing it, the more polished it will come. if the main push by far is at the moment the new build, everyone can playtest and bug squash.
is their game after all, but i seen many times employees executing jobs which are not theirs by default, cause it is an all hands on deck situation. happens all the time in work.
if a massive delivery of X product is coming and it has to be picked up, counted, inventoried, etc, everyone stop their usual task to lend a hand.

yes they can. and it is waste of resources. why have e.g. mapper testing the server when he can actually do his job and make new maps? if you need testing they have loads of people willing to do it for free (look for enlisted tester on forum).

whole game is full of bugs and not just test server.

yes excellent logic. but problem is that they dont have 1/100th manpower needed to fix all reported bugs. internally they will just fix major bugs that stop game from working and have major logical/design flaws.

dev team is not warehouse/department store team. you dont assign people without specialization to do something specialized. most of the work will be on programmers to implement and that is the biggest bottleneck. even programmers doing different parts of the game dont work on the same problem unless someone fucked something major up.

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oh, let me tell you, that is not the reality out there. that is the ideal protocol under ideal circumstances. reality im afraid, at least in my personal life experience, works under completely different circumstances, and in all paths you take you will find less than ideal conditions. maybe i just been unlucky.

yes in alternate reality guy from marketing makes algorithm and codes it when it comes to crunch.

nope, not what i wrote in any way, shape or form. anyway, let me put you an example.

remember the first BR draft, the one everyone treated as a BR table, from testers to developers to helpers everyone reflected and said opinions based on it being a BR table. later they came with “nono, it wasnt BR, it was tech tree!”…but cmon. we are all grown ups, we know how those things works.

back to the BR draft, dont you think if the 20 guys working in mapmaking, 5 in the sound section, 5 in marketing and the coffee guy would play the game under that set of rules, would have maybe found the absolute incongruence of it? after all is not asking them to build a rocket to the moon, or the hoover dam; its playing their own damn game, i mean shouldnt it be like a paid vacation?

and will those people in mapmaking, sound section and marketing that dont play the game actually be more effective in hunting bugs than players you already have for free in test team? or if you open public test server?

people who dont know what to look for make very bad testers. and i have been on both ends of the job.



to an alarmingly high percentage.

you sure about that?

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that hotel

that’s Juno Beach dawg. The terrain around the other beaches was flat and ideal for tank unloading so they were fortified much more