There should be some kind of consequence for leaving a match

Not saying there should be some harsh one.

But for the duration of the match you left. You cannot join another match.

You can either rejoin or wait for the match to finish before you can join another one.

This way it incentivizes people to stay and play.

Maybe you get 3-5 free leaves per week then this restriction kicks in.

You have to incentivize people to put up a fight.

Good matches are rare because leaving has no consequences.


theres currently quite a list of reasons to desert a match, maybe if they work on those reasons there would be less deserters


I’d first opt to fix what causes people to leave. Then implement a punishment system for people who leave in the middle of a match.


One big thing they need is a system to implement that can determine if you desert or your network randomly disconnected. That would be a tough thing to balance and deem what happened. After they fix the balance with a more permanent implementation of ±1 as well as the rest of the reasons then they can look at how to punish.


Fix the reasons why people feel the need to desert first. Then implement some soft restrictions.


So the next question is why do people leave? I never leave so I can’t speak for them.

From what I’ve seen there’s a high number of players who don’t like the confrontation mode. And most players don’t like being steamrolled because of faction popularity. There’s still some gaps within the tech trees, some weapons are higher or lower in BR than others because of performance. This further opens the gaps creating a lack of variety in viable equipment for each teir. The Soviets getting the m1 bazooka is the easiest to explain so I’ll use that as the example, they had a lack of good anti-tank within Tier 2. Well they had the PTRS-41 it wasn’t able to reliably penetrate tanks with more armor at that tier. Slowly but surely they’re fixing the issues with the teir gaps, but in my personal opinion at a rate far too slow than the game needs.

Another point would be teir imbalance, say a tier V weapon just released, All those players that have completed most if not all of the tree will flock to unlock the new gun and use it with this faction. Let’s use Western allies for example, The T20 rifle just came out. So if they were playing on tier 1 and 2 or Tier 3 they would now be playing on tier 5, This is not always the case because some players choose to grind higher tier equipment on a lower tier. Yet Another reason equipment comes out and helps the imbalance become worse. Usually it’s only one or two items per faction, The last time we saw a good drop in number of equipment into the game was when Japan got to tier 5. If they spread this out, every faction gets a teir 2 weapon, Tier 3 weapon, and tier 5 weapon This would help keep things more evened out and not cause as much imbalance.

Well these are more than likely not the only reasons these are just the ones I’ve seen, I can’t speak for those players and why they leave.

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Even the most dedicated stayer will sometimes have episodes where real life steps in, and he either has to quit or gets kicked out for inactivity.


The introduction of the player profile rank icon to the scoreboard have a negative psychological effect on people. Before people actually try to win matches, now you often see players leave the match because they see that the other team have more “gold rank” players while their team have more “silver players”.

The rank icon may not be the leading cause for players quitting matches early, but it is a noticeable contributor. What’s even the point for putting a player profile rank on the scoreboard?

As there are no mode selection and map selection I don’t blame people for quitting early because they want to avoid a boring game mode or certain map with absolutely horrid spawn placement.


I mean rank decorator is also a sign for people that they might be gold rank or highly skilled (especially one that aren’t from zombie event that one is very easy to get)

But personally I think people including newbie should build rally cause if you lose 2 point and not a rally on map people would probably start leaving

I have those moments, I try and mitigate them but sometimes I also just get disconnected. Otherwise I try to stay for my team.

I agree deserters should be punished, except for those early leavers who might leave depending on disliked map or mode, that wouldn’t count, only desertion mid-match that wouldn’t let another player to fill the spot. I had some pretty even games that were lost due to 3 ppl or so leaving.

I am! Screw them cowards!


Nah screw them too. Don’t begin matchmaking if you ain’t gonna play the game. Tired of these idiots taking up slots on my team just to leave the second they see a “bad map” or Conquest and forcing the rest of us to play with a ticket draining bot

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Why should they be forced to play sth. they dont want then?


Ok this I can kinda agree with since I love conquest

But most dont.

And that is understandable

You’re the only one buddy. It’s definitely my least favorite (didn’t play Berlin enough to hate train) but I’ll still stick it through to the end

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Yea I’m starting to see that now it might be because I can go anywhere (in most map) so I like to play strategically (like para dropping somewhere people won’t go)