There should be some kind of consequence for leaving a match

I like it when the number of people I deaded at the end is really big

The best part of objective based games is that all of the action is right around one spot. Almost everyone is going to this one location. You want a fight? Go there. You’ll find one
Conquest doesn’t have this. It’s spread out across a wide map and 3-5 objectives. Your options are remaining mobile and bouncing all over the map, sticking to B to contest it all match, defending your objective which is the most boring option, or bullying the enemy team and holding their objective. I find the last option to net me the most kills. As well as smart teams will try to dislodge me and make sure they keep their objective. Meaning tons of kills for me as I mow em down AND an easier time for my team on the other two objectives as I take pressure off of them

ban people for leaving > motivate people to play till the end, do a normal matchmaking, do a maps banlist.

“Normal matchmaking” he says. “Muh WarThunder” he says. “Tank unfair” he says

Sure, I’ll take some motivation to stay to the end. I’ll gladly take extra pay for doing what I’m supposed to. A bonus for being a half decent human being and sticking it out till the end? Please and thank you

As for map bans…there’s already only like 10 at best and 3-4 at worst. You want more repetition?


i want to ban whole berlin, stalingrad and pacific bro…

I by no means enjoy urban maps. My goto campaigns were Normandy and Moscow. Urban maps have too much clutter and it makes my eyes unable to spot the enemy. It’s really weird to be honest. That being said, I do enjoy some matches in those campaigns occasionally

As for the Pacific, I’d be fairly willing to bet you just don’t want to fight one of the factions there. Can’t blame you, I hate fighting Japs

fight to japs pretty easy at least on 5 br where you have 18 hvar rockets on 2 aircrafts, there is no problem to do a 20 or more kills with p47. the problem is much deeper, 90% territory of battles in pacific is just a clean field which is absolutely disgusting to play.

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Looking at it objectively I see no reason why I should ensure other people getting a pleasant gaming experience at the expense of my own. If I for example get Conquest in Stalingrad, I’m backing out simply because I hate that mode on that map.

The root of the problem is bad game design, the player is not given the option to choose game mode or maps they want to play on.

There is a lot off discussion on this forum about ‘’ why we quit some games ‘’.

And you can’t force pple to play a game where they didn’t have fun Just because you have fun.

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If you ain’t gonna play the game then don’t queue. You’re a waste of a valuable slot


Ahah yes, let’s push one sided trends even further!

Nobody would ever risk playing unpopular factions anymore. At least right now you can risk trying and if it’s one side stacks, can go look elsewhere…

Fix the cause, not the symptom.

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Were you one of my German teammates yesterday? You know we ended up winning on the last point, me and 3 guys held the line while the rest of the server had deserted after Allies took 2 CPs.

It’s odd to witness in this game, people encounter even a smidgeon of resistance and back out to try to farm bots. How about you nerds stay in the fight and you’d be surprised how often a win happens.

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And how do you even fix those reasons for desertion?

It is easy to say just fix that without thinking about what would need to happen to do that?

Do you all want SBMM or should everyone underperforming just be banned or how could DF fix “bad team”.
Bad map and mode is very subjective so do you want to open 200 new queues for every single map and mode combination just for high BR germany alone?
Faction trends will always exist thus meaning factions will rarely have equal amount of players queuing at the same time, so HOW DO YOU ENSURE EQUAL players split on the server with an UNEQUAL playerbase.

Do you understand that fixing the most popular reasons for desertion is nigh impossible without revamping the entire game AGAIN? Even the merge fixxing some isuees caused new reasons to come up.


Not really,

Quite contrary, theres absolutely none balance in matchmake.

Be happy, they plan on implementing punitive measures. (News right now)

Stacked popular factions and empty unpopular ones will be even more of a thing than now, even with the slight incentives they also think adding


Bot farming will be “in vogue” for a while.

Not really even bad news, makes the decission of not playing even easier

Telling people with serious concerns to fuck off is great idea. Dont know why more games do that instead of making MM adjustments.

Except they dont take up slots if they leave the match (or the game) anyway.

If I don’t want to play a boring game mode I quit, I don’t owe you a “valuable spot”. Your opinion on what I should or shouldn’t do online matter to me as much as the opinion of the toilet seat I’m sitting on whom my arse it is currently kissing.


honestly no idea. i play far too much to remember most battles, but i do desert a lot of matches, so probably.

very rare i play Germany solo tho, most people i team with dont desert

Waste of a perfectly good slot. Such a shame


But there is no garantee that you will get a replacement as at some point the match wont recieve late-joiner due to backlash in the past or just the drought of players queing not allowing it.+ it might take time which isnt helpful if someone else might desert because “bad team”.

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