There should be some kind of consequence for leaving a match

And if so… why should it be the concern of the deserter?

It is a concern for DF if their matches are not fun due to deserters…

Make matches better then and not give people yet another reason to quit the game.

I wont miss someone who does not play so OK.

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This way you incentivizes people to drop Enlisted for the day and play something else.

A match in a videogame is not work or an obligation. Is me wanting to relax and enjoy my free time.
That’s all I have to say and it’s enough.

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You guys really need to step down with this Tory-level of psychopathy unless you wanna end playing against and with bots only.

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And once more, waste of a perfectly good slot

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“You will be me & my stack’s punching bag, for OUR own enjoyment. If you don’t like that you deserve to be punished!!! Our enjoyment is more important than yours. We also only play the popular faction and are forever in stacks, with min/max squads”

Seriously how DARE you think of your personal enjoyment when PLAYING a game! You should think of the fun of those steam rolling you in stacks first! Shame on on you! Shame on you for risking playing the unpopular faction, it’s your fault " git gud" blahblahblah. Punish punish punish! Reeee

Imagine considering a casual game like a professional competition and wanting others punished because they dislike… unpleasant time.
It’s entitlement to believe others OWE you something in a casual game…


Que sera, sera. Not the first retarded decision DF does, won’t be the last either.


Won this nail biting game yesterday despite playing against stacks as being just three random dudes putting up a fight. But having the numbers and no leavers it what helped out a lot.

I bet you would have left the moment you would have seen the names on the enemy team. You are a punching bag for the enemy team because that is what you are in all games in general. It is not an Enlisted problem.

The moment you leave, you instantly give a loss to everyone and cause a chain effect of people leaving. This is not a good game experience for everyone involved.


Blah blah blah.

Stop being silly, the picture you show, is showing two balanced (more or less) teams. Almost the same numbers of “decorators” per side.

You aren’t impressive for staying. Because this kind of match is fun and exactly what ppl are looking for.

You know very well the kind of match I’m speaking of. Truly one sided ones, when one side is almost exclusively bots, and the other full of stacks.

Next time show a worthwhile picture if you want to diss. One where you’re alone vs 10 humans.

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Yeah, most of those are pretty valid, thank you for the comprehensive list
Darkflow, here’s the list^^^

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Let me help because someone gave a list and some of them are valid and some are just whining.

Shit map: subjective, I rarely hate a map in this game, I hate some objectives more, like there are some terrible capture points.
Shit team: no real good way to fix unless you’re gonna play with a stack, otherwise idk how some people end a 30 minute game with like 10 kills. We can try and make genuinely good AI
Shit mode: make a preferred mode/map thing (this is in progress on the roadmap
Insufferable opponents: idk what he means, I haven’t had major problems, I get more annoyed when I have no opponents.
Bot team: join any team will be getting a silver bonus, it’s coming eventually
Console team: turn off crossplay, don’t whine to me oh ‘great’ PC overlord
Bad theatre: a repeat on maps, again preferred maps coming soon
Mega uptier: Change BR rating system or make it +_1. I just don’t like high tier.
Not just feeling it: this is a just whining, don’t queue in the first place.


“turn off crossplay” pc players CAN’T do that though


Did not know, sorry to hear that.

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No consequence for leaving the match, instead they should give INCENTIVES to stay. No one likes to sit through an ass kicking, especially when it is quite apparent within the first 30 seconds of game play, so give them reasons to endure the shower rape rather then punishing them for leaving. Besides, punishment is not going to stop it. Get rid of the ranking system and stop punishing teams by giving lower coin totals and experience for losing. Instead, let each team get paid the same coin whether they win or lose, payable by how they finish on THEIR TEAM. There is no point to hang around when it is an obvious gang rape unless you have a reason to endure it. Why would people want to hang around when their is absolutely no benefit? Much easier to just desert and take your chances with the next match instead of wasting your time getting seal clubbed. :joy:


AP mines hidden in every possible spot because they’re cycling large squads each carrying mines and there’s no observable limit on how many you can place
Sometimes its just KT H horseshit
But insufferable opponents usually falls under shit team now that I really think about it
Because its only a problem when you’re the only one stepping in it, whereas if you spread the suffering it isn’t so bad
If that makes sense
I don’t want to be the only one showing up to the objective and getting shot at

For once this actually did pay off, got few games really quick to that silly ass 8 game required event task.

This, the game does absolutely nothing to balance out things
(except ofc BR’s which was step to correct direction)

Enjoy to play objective ? Aww sucks to be you, you just got teamed with most feared 9 sniper dragonlord666 killermurders that shall never be closer than 150m from objective.

Punishing for leaving is not even a band-aid fix, its like using leaving people as scapegoat for shitty game experience.


I would rather want to play with bots than with BR5 Soviet players they don’t def they just stand outside the point and look at the trees or occasionally at enemies and then die. And maybe 2-3 people will build rallies once a game. They have the best unlocks but the worst players.