Our Roadmap

Everything in the OP looks interesting.

This may turn out extremely variably, depending on how they’ll set it up.

Indeed, rather than a box with a random drop, I’d rather get a box that costs a godzillion silver but contains exactly what I’m looking for.

Also, possibly related:

Any plan to enter Gaijin marketplace?


Been banned 3 months dude. I don’t know jack


oh yea the Veteran loot box i wonder if veteran will get a discount


Very good question, I’d love to know answer too.


Would have been good IF we merely could get vouchers to choose which squads. Rng random boxes? Ew.

But since this thread is to collect questions, I have a pertinent one:

  • What happens when buying loot boxes, if you miraculously obtain an old event squad… But ALREADY possess said squad? Can you have duplicates? Is it refunded? Is there a pool to pick from that narrows itself down as you obtain squads?

i didnt even know you were ban tbh i just thought you left or something


Could we, the modders get a seperate QnA? Maybe? Please?

My questions would be:

  • Can we expect an EnlistedCDK/toolkit to create entire new locations with Dagor Editor? Or are you planning to add features from DaEditor into the Enlisted editor?

  • Afaik custom content (DXP and GRP) support is planned for modded games. Could we get a rough ETA on that? Currently, the game doesn’t recognize neither custom textures or models.

  • Do you plan on creating a revenue share program similar to War Thunder? Perhaps for, creating new missions on existing maps, or even creating entire new levels?

  • How does _replicated and _tracked work with entites?


Rank means nothing


They said here works too. Not all of us enjoy large Discord servers

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This is an interesting situation…
If we have a choice of favorite and disliked maps, then it turns out that playing on the third BR can block maps 4-5 BR and play Tunisia?)))
Well, let’s say there is a restriction, but you 100% did not think that this is a tool to get to the BR below.

How are you going to solve this problem?


yea i dont like discord tbh i mention that a lot in like 2022 (or maybe 2023 idk my memory suck)


do you have any concrete plans for preferred map system or is it WIP and subject to change?


Heavier bolt

no pain no gains ! just think about whether you pay enough time in enlisted before you complain about our horrible economy



I’m ready. Bring it on!:



Excellent to get a little transparency damage models on planes please, bullet holes, bomber pilot animated controls not all done.

Keep up your good work,

New class : Sapper with det pack charge to blow bridges or buildings?


First, let me say I love the fact that there is a “roadmap”. Second, let me say I love all the stuff presented.

My question is: What is the future for the “minor” nations in the factions?
This refers to Britain and Italy.

Italy still needs their uniforms fixed.

Some ideas:

  1. Options for purchasing soldiers of either faction. Instead of only getting engineer or MG I for Italy make it so I can purchase any unlocked soldier as either Italy or Germany.
  2. More minor nation options. Would love to see France rolled up with the allies and Romania, Hungary, Finland rolled up with Axis. This could be done with Premium squads of course. But would love to see this expanded into the tech tree.

I agree here. I think I have everything I want, but loot box roulette is just so frustrating.


I’m only pro this if consoles don’t get screwed out of it


I’m more hopeful about the Lootboxes reading that, I do suffer from event FOMO since I can’t play like the unemployed here

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“New Engineer built AT guns for High BR”

I think this is a good opportunity once again to say that I believe Flak Cannons should be added as the unique building for AT squads.

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