Our Roadmap

It seems that the custom matches currently available in the game have many shortcomings. Although there are no issues with the gameplay itself, there seem to be a lack of additional features. Can we expect future patches to enhance the auxiliary features of custom matches, such as the ability to spectate only, kick specific users at the host’s discretion, and change maps even after creating a custom room?

Recently, our community held a small-scale tournament with a total prize of $250, and we planned to broadcast the matches. However, I remember it being very inconvenient as there was no spectating feature.


Can you please add the option to continue the research from the middle , before the merge i was 1 step away from tiger 2, but now I HAVE TO RESEARCH 15 TANKS, and have to go back to fight tier 1, have a mercy pls


Do what now? What’d I miss?

you miss fox being fire? i think it fire im not sure (it could just be that he left anyway the point is he left)

It should be even {ability to join friends in ongoing battles} the option should work in both way


When will you bring back the low BR AT guns?
People modeled them for a reason, didn’t they? And the balance should be normal with BR ± 1.


I choose to think that Fox was let go for filtering community requests to the devs. Their recent adjustments to many long-discussed issues immediately after make me think there was a communications gap.


yeah i dunno about the penality for deserters if you face a bunch of golds while the game puts you together with a bunch of noobs theres no way a penality should apply if you leave.


Will Customization be improved? Italians not having their uniforms (except Tunisia) not having fitting camo pants/torso, even though both exist in game, etc.


1000lb bomb


You bet

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nah maybe they should add 10000lb bomb hehe (probably wont ever gonna happen tho)


bf 109 with 20 mm cannon:} i bet

Q1: When can the unequal rules between attackers and defenders be abolished?
Q2: new soldiers class means new kind of soldier or higher level of soldier?
Q3:Prices are like the period when the USSR just disintegrated. When will they be reduced?


they should me 262, { histrocially accurate}


They are doing a Q&A on the discord, I already used my 1 question but it might be a good idea to put that in there.

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Oh… new frontline… are we talking about THAT one that starts with M and ends with A? :slight_smile:

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Who thinks axis faction lack BR V maching gunns, mg 15? why. why not mg42 with more mag… also messed up with firerate of mg42…


Yeah let’s make the newbies work just as hard as we have. No handouts

What about the entire customization system which is busted as of now? You have to keep buying the same piece of equipment twice or thrice just to use it on a different map. The community has suggested numerous times to add a customization option which changes according to the climate and not the map itself. For instance, winter, desert, forest, urban etc. On top of that when are you guys going to give us our lost customization items about which we have made numerous CBRs? Please look into these ‘minor’ issues. Learn from other successful games in this regard. You are losing some much needed revenue by ignoring customization in this game.