British and Italians should definitely get there own sides instead of being blended with axis and allies

I really miss playing Italians as a main on the Tunisia maps and I feel like i never get to play them or the maps. Plus we could add new battles respective to the factions for even more variety. I’m not sure how easy this would be to fix but should be cool to expand the game a little bit in the future.


I know it probably will not happen, but I agree.

The Commonwealth countries under 1 tab, and the Italians under another.
Germans, and US under their own.


I agree. Britain especially has so much content that it should be its own independent faction but they just keep shafting them like they don’t have anything.

I can tolerate Britain and Italy being joined at America and Germany’s hip for now but they at least should be refined and fleshed out

What they could do is add a way where we can choose the nationality of the soldier we are going to buy, Italians getting proper uniforms and being able to get extra squads for “minor” factions.

I feel like adding more separate factions, at least for the current game, would be more of a nuisance to the MM than anything.

It is fault of Normandy and Bulge


It won’t happen, it was confirmed numerous times by several CMs and helpers.

Stop trying to push nonsensical and unrealistic agenda that has no real benefits whatsoever.
The only reasonable change to do is rename US and Germany factiona to Western Allies and European Axis.


To be fair, just because it won’t happen now doesn’t mean it won’t happen one day :wink:

Its not worth it to make them standalone factions since prototypes and trial guns would need to be added to TT to fill it up, while if they keep UK and IT under Axis and Allies, those can be added as premium, event, GO ect…
Its just better business this way.

You can already play as them now, all that would be changed is adding in more depth to a forked off Italy and British Empire which would then queue in the exact same theaters that they already queue in now.

Don’t forget that the Japanese tech tree already has a large number of prototype weapons. Additionally, the Soviet tech tree’s AS-44 is also just a prototype. If you oppose the new tech tree simply because it includes prototypes, that is not a valid reason.

Waiting for James with “not planned”


I agree. I never really played Tunisia before the merge and I regret it so much. Now I am unable to purchase new/more Italians or even British soldiers. It’s a shame. Dark flow really must dislike what we wish to see. It’s a harmless and easy thing for them to do. I still hold out hope and I have hope stored away for the day when we see the other nations added to cosmetic and squad members etc.