British Pacific and Winter Cosmetics

Britain may not be its own independent faction yet and will be joined at the hip with the US and that means we will have British soldiers fighting across the Pacific from the Philippines, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc where they did not fight, but they should at least look like they are fighting in a hot tropical jungle.

Appearance is an important factor in immersion.

First of all and the most simplest solution, GIVE THE BRITS THE TROPICAL UNIFORM (Shirt and Shorts) FROM TUNISIA

Next, add new cosmetics for the British for the Pacific


Britain is also attached with America in winter maps like Hurtgen Forest and in the future Battle of the Bulge and others (Britain did fight in some parts of the Bulge). Currently the British winter uniform is the standard slacks with gloves and a paratrooper helmet. What kind of winter uniform is that supposed to be!

Proper winter cosmetics should be added

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Why should it be?
Literally wouldn’t do any good.

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yes, please
i’d make a full british lineup if the customization in ardennes wasn’t so bad. pacific is bad too, but not as much.


Let’s see umm, major power in the war. Let me put it this way, if we had to choose between a Poland, Belgium, or Britain faction which one would be more likely

I know for queue reasons Britain is not its own separate faction. Hopefully one day


Great suggestion! Alongside this they should consider giving us the option to buy soldier types by nationality. Currently, there is no way to get an engineer or rifleman as the British. They are only limited to certain soldier classes. Alongside this they should make sure that one out of every three tech tree squads for a particular soldier type belongs to these minority nations.


This should be a standard thing honeslty. I want to make full british/italian squads but its really immersion breaking when I hear a yankee or a kraut spout off in their accent/language


Ah! A fellow perfectionist I see. Yes. Plus you also have this weird bug where Eric Anderson (Victoria Cross recipient gold order engineer from Tunisia) is speaking with an American accent. Lol. This requires just a simple fix but they have not bothered to do it for like 12 months at this point.

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This can be said about every other war game with British factions

Because they are a large enough member of the Allied Forces to have their own command system and some unique weapons and vehicles

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Italian squads also need their winter uniforms.


They need to add all squad types for the British and Italians and to be able to buy the appropriate soldiers

Maybe sometimes I feel like having a British Rifleman squad instead of an American


Yeah. True. With the addition of the T20 Early Rifle 9-man rifleman squads will become the new meta for the US. But I have only one British rifleman squad from Tunisia before the merge. It feels so bad.

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