Move the Whirlwind to a British Squad

The event Whirlwind plane is added to an American Plane squad. Move it to a British Plane squad instead

It goes without saying how closely tied America and Britain were in the war, they weren’t called the Allies for nothing. However that did not mean that America and Britain weren’t independent.

Even if Britain is not its own separate faction (yet), it’s still nice and immersive to feel like we’re playing as a unit of the UK. If I’m in a Churchill tank I’d certainly want the crew to be British. It adds flavor to the experience. I’m sure when they add the Super Pershing if it has a British crew with posh accents I guarantee it would peeve many, why does the ultimate American tank have a British crew!?! Well let’s not do the same to Britain

America and Britain may be joined together as a united Allied faction, but it’s nice to make them feel independent and unique


His ability is not strong
Basically it was developed to allow newcomers to get better vehicles
If you put it in the MKX team, it will just be an aircraft of no use to newcomers.
As for giving him a new British squad? I don’t know. Maybe the officials are avoiding the possibility that new players after the merge will be able to use 3-heavy bomber suicide attacks?

suggestion: just let both the current marine squadron AND the beaufighter squadron use the whirlwind.
that way newcomers can play with SBD squadron, and veterans can choose the more immersive british squadron. and there is no need to create another squadron.
with the merge we can already exchange some vehicles between squadrons, anyway.


It’s possible but

Couldn’t they just add a “Level 1” British plane squad in the first place

I know that some of us have holdover squads that we unlocked during the campaign era so I don’t know exactly which squads are actually unlockable in this era. But they could certainly just add the necessary squad

Also in general I always say they should add all British and Italian squad types so we have those options

  • Rifleman
  • Assaulter
  • Sniper
  • Machine Gunner
  • Engineer
  • Radio
  • Mortar
  • Medic
  • Anti Tank
  • Flamethrower
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I found easy solution, the AP1 Avenger always seems to be a British pilot, I tried putting in a US pilot, his name was American but he sounded British when he actually flew in practice and I checked

So in the end swapped my US Whirlwind for Brit AP1 pilot (only he turns Brit, gunners stay American)

That just shows how jumbled the system really is

Out of integrity we should just have an equal squad of all types for both America and Britain. It’s less convoluted

I really cant understand why they didnt include special squads with the vehicles. Would have been much easier


Exactly at the very least they can just give us a unique squad like for so many other event content. But nope let’s just give it to an American squadron and wipe our hands

It’s a small change so I believe they may fix it

I had suggested to just make it available for both, and was told no.

… and yes, I did mention that you can already use 2 JU 188’s if you have the legacy squad.

So, I don’t believe they will be adding a second squad option. Makes it really mean that we should’ve gotten its own squad in the first place.

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So the simple solution is to just move it to a British Attacker Pilot squad, which is available in the research tree

As I said, they really should just give Britain and Italy all squads, and even multiple like how we have multiple American and German Riflemen squads if we want different loadouts. They can just be added alongside corresponding items in the research tree

See Give the Whirlwind to one of its actual operating squadrons

i think this situation is different than what you mentioned. one way or another there will be only 1 whirlwind in the lineup. but i agree that it should have gotten its own squadron ideally.

in this event they pushed it further into 'how half-assed can we do things without repercussion".

I agree. Same problem with the Sherman 105. Why is it in a British tank squad?

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I think they just need to add double squad unlocks.

When you unock the standard generic trooper 1, or fighter pilot 1 etc etc

you should get 2 squads. 1 British, 1 USa. same for Germany and Italy (this is new players in mind, without all the legacy squads)

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I’m assuming the reason behind the current squad is that it was the first squad you unlock in the tree. Interestingly though, they did not do the same for the Russian Tank. I agree however that just giving it its own squad would have been the better option.

Speaking of the Russian T34-100 … its in the same squad as another event tank … The BT7 with 76mm cannon (BT-7A (F-32)) …and guess what … That tank the BT7 76mm can be used in both the 645th Separate Tank Battalion and the 2nd Tank Battalion (both being legacy, and has no option to use in a current squad).

I agree, they wouldn’t be able to use the vehicle in both squads simultaneously if there is not 2 of them. I am still confused by their response to why they couldn’t do both, since they stated you wouldn’t want two JU 188’s … but that is currently possible to do, and as mentioned above … the BT-7A F32 already makes precedent that you can have an event tank as an option within multiple squads, just not simultaneously.

That should be rectified as well