Proper British and Italian Radios

I have two “legacy” British and Italian Radio Squads back from the Tunisia campaign. I noticed that they use American and German Radio packs.

I think it would be better if they were given proper British and Italian Radio packs instead. It would be immersive which is always a nice touch.

Now did Britain occasionally use the American SCR-300 radio like various other lend lease material, yes. But Britain certainly had their own arsenal, they weren’t equipped 101% by America. It’s nice to be immersed. If I’m playing as a British unit I want to feel like I’m a soldier of the British Empire, not America’s lackey. (It’s the same reason I want British Paratroopers to have British equipment in their box instead of American, and for British Engineer AT guns to be called QF 6 pounder because while US and UK used the same gun the UK made). It’s little touches of immersion that make me love the game more

For Britain they could have the Wireless Set No. 18, their first man-portable radio that saw service since the very beginning of the war

For Italy, a long time ago a Premium Radio squad, Beretta M31, was added for the Tunisia campaign. They had Italy’s standard man-portable radio pack; while the standard Italian radio squad used Germany’s. Just make Italian Radio operators have the correct ITALIAN radio


And hey once again a reminder to add all Squad types and soldier classes for Britain/ Italy in the Research Tree, in this case Radio Operator squads.


If you have the Italian Paratroopers (event squad BRII) and you select the radio equipment from the drop box/supply crate, the radios are the round circle antenna. It’s pretty cool!

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Nice! I also made a post about a potential AR for British and Italian Assault Engineers if they ever decide to add them.

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See all the bits and pieces are there, they just have to all be straightened out so we have proper British and Italian units!

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true origin of the hula-hoop, and ufos

Exactly. I made a lengthy post suggesting this. They need it ASAP.

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