Light, Medium, and Heavy Mortars

These are the light and medium mortars that MUST be added to the RESEARCH TREE for all factions. (Don’t pull another make the standard American M2 Mortar an event item!)

US: M1 Mortar (medium)

UK: Ordnance ML 3-inch Mortar (medium)

Germany: 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 (medium)

In game Germany has the Kz 8 cm Granatwerfer 42 as its Medium Mortar. This model was a smaller development of their standard issue mortar and was made in much smaller numbers. I think the Granatwerfer 34 should be added instead since it was their standard issue and most common mortar.

If the Kz 8cm won’t be removed from the game and switched with the Granatwerfer 34 model, then I think the Granatwerfer 34 could be added into the research tree FOLDERED with the Kz. Therefore we still get some representation of their standard issue eqipment.

Italy, add an Italian Mortar Squad into the Research Tree

Brixia Model 35 (light)

Medium Mortar- 81/14 Model 35 Mortar (medium)

Japan: Type 97 81 mm Infantry Mortar (medium)

Heavy Mortars would be the Mortar Squad’s unique powerful Engineer building

US: M2 4.2-inch Mortar

UK: ML 4.2-inch Mortar, built by UK Mortar Squads

Soviets: 120-PM-38 Mortar

Germany: Granatwerfer 42

Japan: Type 2 12 cm Mortar


Before any more mortars are added I’d like to see bot squad mates join in by using their mortar at the same time. But I do like your suggestions for more mortars as the more the merrier.


There is truly so much stuff that can and will be added to the game, I feels it’s easy to scratch off the basic stuff

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how shoot exactly at the same spot, to the top or left right or bottom just enough not to overlap

also mortars not as bad as rockets

Double tap em hard

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The mortar class is so underrated simply because not many people have good map knowledge.

I think it would also be cool if a howitzer is a unique buidlable for engineer in the mortar class, and the howitzer is aimed using the current distance adjustment mechanic for mortar.


Yeah with good map knowledge and common attack/defense lanes mortars become insanely good. Normandy maps? I got them suckers locked down. Literally any other map other than a couple Moscow ones? Eehh maybe drop a few in this location? Lol. Honestly just hammering open objectives when you know your team isn’t there and shelling some 30-50 unit of measurement here behind objective and towards their spawn, with generous spread all over the place, is always a solid choice for putting down mortars. Not every mortar will be a winner, but you WILL get hits and kills

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Close as possible and at a different range to make up for the space between the player and the bot.

Mortar squads should be given exclusive instructions
Have them fire at the marked spot or something.
This way I can have time to build a spawn point or something while they’re firing.
Rather than spending 10 seconds on one of these things leading to detection or delayed bombardment

devs too lazy to model smth new

Before any of these get added to the game we need marking with binoculars ( binoculars should realistically have a higher range to mark especially against vehicles and other objects that show unique icons on the mini map and main map such as machine gun emplacements) as currently they have the same range as looking with a soldier without them, that’ll drastically help mortar men. Seeing as 90% of the people that play this game don’t mark This would help you mark your own targets. The next thing is Japan needs another mortar first. After that the rest of the stuff is fair game add it in whatever order.