Make more squads viable

AT squads when fully upgraded are pretty good tbh. I don’t take them on anyone but Japan occasionally, but they aren’t bad

sure you love the at gunner squad, still doesn’t change the fact its underutilized becuase its pointless if i can have an at gunner in every squad as the at gunners don’t have some bonus like the radio operator, so it doesn’t matter if i have the at gunner squad,

also wdym by ok?

they wont mark people they’ll only mark enemies are about to die

at gunner squads are situatiuonal

Maybe you just don’t value depriving the enemy of nice things (armor support) like I do

Also blowing up a tank gives you great XP

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Not every squad needs to super well rounded, I think having specialist squads is cool and epic. I do think that increasing the squad limit would be nice though.

personall opinion

gunners whit low br MG (madsen, bren, dp, etc…) can be used for attack on a efficient way if you use them like this guy


Nah. Gotta strategize what squads to take. My go go set up is super aggressive, yet versatile with a focus on AT

I have a few ideas that are up your alley of what you’re asking

Missing mortars that should be added to the Research Tree, as well as for Mortar squads to build Heavy Mortars

We don’t need a spotter class, but what we can have is Radio Operators should have a Recon Plane call-in

AT squads can get Flak Cannons as their unique squad building, and they can build stronger AT and AA guns by default

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Mortar squads are mostly useless, they need buffs. Instead of smoke they need WP or flame based ammunition. Also, they need unique high-caliber mortars to build or ability call that strike.

I mean I can, Like other people just put AI onto the AA gun making it an aimbot, but even myself who likes to swap between, I just listen for the aircraft engine before swapping over, since its not exactly subtle

After the new update. The mortar squad will only be more vulnerable to guerrilla harassment.

Just the low br one because the high br mortar can shoot from 300 meters aways when the other one is from 265 meters max

We just have to stay in spawn with engeneer to feed ammo

fair tbh,

i have also overgeneralized and its kind of ironic since I’m considering using the squad more.

but a buff to it is definitely needed, becuase the squads are not that well balanced

It depends on the Squad, on the Allies im running the 109th Engineer Regiment, and it has 2AT unit in it.
Same goes for the 36th Engineer Battalion for Germany and for the 48th Pioneer for the Soviets, but indeed i need to run full Bolt Action / Semi-Auto in that case, so maybe it is less flexible in terms of small arms.

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ik, my point still stands tho, a buff would be nice for the underutilized squads, so people would use them more often

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Very good ideas and i think they should be added
but i still think a spotting class is needed
