Recon Planes Once Again

Recon Planes would be a new Radio Operator call-in. They would not announce their presence like bombing runs, because they wouldn’t be much of a reconnaissance plane if they told you it was coming.

They would be great for spotting enemy tanks, AT guns, AA guns, rally points, etc behind the frontline giving your team extremely valuable strategic information

US: L-4 Grasshopper

Soviet Union: Polikarpov Po-2

Germany: Fi 156 Storch

Japan: Ki-46


Why Japan get a high speed twin engine plane?
They literally have multiple planes that are comparable to the other countries example you give.

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Those certainly could be the definitive recon plane. My suggestion was just one particular model. It doesn’t really matter which one it would end up being

I just though this one was interesting because it was a more refined recon plane

And then please give biplanes that were used as recon such as, idk, all the biplanes in the game, the ability to give recon.