Make more squads viable

Git gud

How? They’re already extremely effective. Other squads you have 1 shot if any to get a man into position. AT Squads have 3 chances. I love my AT Squads

One’s a general specialist that goes in all squads and the other is an actual specialist with gameplay and capabilities only that squad can provide

No, we should just get points for enemies that die near our pings so people are rewarded and incentivized more to ping enemies in hopes of getting some points for whatever their teammates pick off

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I’ve not got the game up in front of me, but I’m sure Engineer squads are limited to 1 AT chap max. Could be totally wrong on that though.

And there are things behind the scenes being worked on that the devs mentioned about heavy AT guns, apparently. Hopefully they’ll be exclusive to AT squad engineers to make them more relevant.


nahh, radio operator and assaulters are better

all your takes are awful,

your first point isn’t good, becuase guess what barely anyone plays them,

at gunner squads are pointless, when you can put an at gunner in any squad and achieve the same thing as there are no real benefits to playing with them,

also my 2nd point disproves your 3rd one

last one will lead to mass farming

Can’t get special weapons kills on radio operator and assaulter unless you equip AT gunner or rifle grenades, which not all rifle grenades count as special weapons, since some count as hand grenade kills

Mortarman and AT squad is the best to get special weapon kills right now. It would be rifleman squad though if rifle grenades counted as special weapons

so its still situational

ngl I always jsut skip the special weapon kills task, its just annoying, that or farm a couple kills with an AT rifle

AT squads useless?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

They are underrated as hell😛 i can spam the Engi at gun and get +150 kills

so what your saying is, a full engi squad is just better since you can farm aircraft at the same time?

I’ve played them. They’re pretty fun. Not my kind of gameplay, but they’re fun. I’ve also seen them in matches plenty of times. I’ve also been wrecked by them before

1 AT Gunner (or 2 if you double up for whatever reason)
3 AT Gunners

What farming? You don’t want to be rewarded for helping your team by spotting the enemy and pinging them for your team?

the thing is you are facing only 2 tanks at most and the farming part is more complicated but basically, they’ll only mar enemies that are about to get killed

And I’ve gotten 6-10+ kills on tanks alone in a single match. Some of those were only gotten because I had a spare AT Gunner left after the rest were all killed


Well true but You cannot use both buildings at the same time and most of time You Will focus on just one

This isn’t an issue with the squads themselves, this is due to the 3 infantry squad limit

yeah some squads aren’t worth it that’s why we should make the better

AT squads when fully upgraded are pretty good tbh. I don’t take them on anyone but Japan occasionally, but they aren’t bad

sure you love the at gunner squad, still doesn’t change the fact its underutilized becuase its pointless if i can have an at gunner in every squad as the at gunners don’t have some bonus like the radio operator, so it doesn’t matter if i have the at gunner squad,

also wdym by ok?

they wont mark people they’ll only mark enemies are about to die

at gunner squads are situatiuonal

Maybe you just don’t value depriving the enemy of nice things (armor support) like I do

Also blowing up a tank gives you great XP

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