Make more squads viable

increase the viability of squads like the mortar squads, at gunner squads, etc; these squads are bland and ultimately and pointless. if i can get essentially the same squad but better and the mortars should get more use. also getting a spotter unit would be useful, as it would mark enemy targets for exp, once per target, becuase this would help out bombers, snipers and etc.


There’s nothing useless about mortar squads if used effectively. Sure, they’re situational, but can be devastating in the right situations. AT gunners are the same too, especially when levelled up.

Also, if you mark a tank and it gets destroyed, you get Assist XP for it already.


I’d argue that mortars require disproportionate amount of experience and luck to use in comparisond to other squads. Also they are simply annoying to use imo.


I’d agree that knowing the maps and potential enemy positioning and chokepoints really helps. And they’re more effective as an attacking for as opposed to a defending force.


that’s the problem they are too situational

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this is why i think we would need an scouting unit to make it easier to play with mortars, bombers, etc. this would fix most of the problem with ‘useless’ squads, just don’t give them to squads that are already heavily used

As a separate squad, absolutely. But it should be a proper scout/reconaissance unit, with jeeps or armoured cars. I don’t think mortars would fit well into that type of squad.

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i agree with a standalone squad, but we should make the scouting unit accessible to squads that people dot use much as a reason to use that squad, as the ‘useless’ squads are useless becuase other squads are fundamentally better, they don’t other things other squads do, also we could get medics ands flametroopers added to underutilized squads.

also it would make sense to add them to the sniper squads, also a scouting motorbike squad would be nice idea.

Hmm… I’m pretty sure that you can add a sniper to a mortar squad already, though I’m not in front of the game right now, so don’t quote me on that ! :slight_smile:

And yeah, anytthing to make Rider squads better is always welcome in my eyes.

ohh sorry, my phrasing was bad, i meant adding the scouting unit to the mortar squad

Oh, I see. Not sure that would work to be honest. It would change the balance of the squad completely, and potentially make it OP.

Not luck knolewdge to be use

the scouter acts like a medic, where its main object isn’t killing and it would promote marking enemies and the ai could do it too. if you gave it squads like mortars, they would be able to accurately find and hit targets more consistently. i don’t think it’d necessarily be OP after all, mortars still are conditional units.

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exactly why scouting units would be prefect

I don’t think knowledge will help you on maps with completely roofed objective and approach routes…
There is luck involved


We were arguying on what necissited to play mortar and yes roof are my greatest nemesis

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I think I see what you mean. It isn’t a bad idea tbh.

But with the merge the morter squad indeed suffer a lot from that. Hope they add soon the prefer map system to make mortars viable again

scouters should be available to
sniper squads, mortar squad, at gunner squads, riflemen squads, their own squad and possibly radio operators and engineers but it would be op for them and they are good squads.

this would make the mediocre squads useful, maybe also give the other unutilized squads, units like flametroopers or medics