Make more squads viable

yeah, but radio operators have that problem as well

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Not really because we can target the entry of the objective and road very easily

i mean there really isn’t a solution, except for my one, but its still not going to be the best squad

Maybe even just in the short term, fit the rider squad as the new recon squad, maybe tripwire noise makers and flare tripwires could be nice unique items. Maybe they can carry an extra mine, trading a low manpower squad for a lot of support potential.

Because frankly I think the rider squads atm are useless.

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Not completely useless, but definitely situational. I love using them as a fast flanking unit. My main gripe is the XP grind for them. Having only two squaddies makes levelling up extremely difficult.

Honestly I dont even they fit into situational, since an APC squad can do a similar job with far more versatility

And this squad as a big problem and it the map. In pacific it unusable, in moscow it depand a lot of the road and in normandy there too many hills just to name a few


Agreed. I mostly use them in Tunisia tbh. Nice maps for flanking.

And stalingrad is useful because it all road except for the tractor factory

Honestly the Tunisia maps are some of the most fun. The buildings are fun to fight in, there is a lot of alternative routes while still allowing for effective long range combat.

The only issue is a lack of some flanking routes on certain maps, allowing downtiered tanks to massively abuse range sitting up to 400-500m in their grey zone.

I should specify vehicle flanking routes rather than infantry flanking since there is more than enough room for infantry.

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honestly the soviets should get them too

I agree and I made a racing mod to appreciate the nice road of tunisia


[Insert radio call in suggestion that calls in a recon plane to mark stuff]


i didn’t even think of that, that is such a cool idea

What is the benefit of a dedicated AT squad compared to an Engineer squad with 2 AT slots ?

Can they do something specific like the MG squad with the HMG nest ? Or they dont have anything special going for them ?

Mortar and AT squads are good, I have AT squad in all of my factions for special weapons kills

I mean thats fine if you have 8 squad slots, a lot of people, myself included only have 4, hence we have to be picky with our selections.

I say this by my allied lineup is ass atm as im grinding 4 fresh squads at the same time.

Well I don’t have 8 squad slots. I just like AT squads enough to use it in my lineup

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Thats fair, but objectively there are better squads out there, meta lineups are never a good thing, I think giving all squads a good niche to lean into is a good thing, once AT squads get heavy AT guns, I think that will solidify them anyhow.