Engineer Guns and AT Squad Specialization

Infantry Support Guns should be added as a default Engineer building. Everyone always uses AT guns as their HE cannons but I think we should get a proper weapon that was specifically made for that role. Theoretically HE ammo can be removed from AT guns so you have to choose how you want to support the team, whether you build an AT or IFG. In exchange AT guns could receive more AT ammo

US: 75mm Pack Howitzer M1

Soviet Union: 76mm Regimental Gun M1927

Germany: 7.5cm leichtes Infanteriegeschutz 18

Japan: Type 92 Battalion Gun

For AT guns some have suggested that we receive different guns for different BRs, but I have a different idea. Engineers are supposed to be a general support class, they’re not supposed to be the expert on everything. So all basic Engineers should have a basic general purpose AT gun. Germany’s AT gun should be changed to the Pak 38 their standard gun.

The Soviets should receive a proper AT gun instead of using a copy pasted German one

AT squad’s should have more specialization. They’re the ones who are supposed to be experts on dealing with enemy armor. First I would say give AT squads Flak Cannons as their unique squad building. Flak Cannons are powerful high velocity guns that are capable of dealing with strong enemy armor, planes, and infantry. They are balanced that they would have an extremely high cost and cost basically all of your resources but they are extremely vulnerable with a completely exposed crew. Even the most lightest light tank could easily take it out, if it sees them first

US: 90 mm gun M1

UK: QF 3.7-inch AA

Soviet Union: 85 mm Air Defense Gun M1939 52-K

Germany: 8.8 cm Flak

Italy: Cannone da 90/53

Japan: Type 88 75mm AA Gun

Another idea is that in addition to Flak Cannons, AT squads can have substantially more powerful AT and AA guns by default. As I said, they’re supposed to be the highly qualified anti-vehicle units. By default AT squads can build a stronger 75mm AT gun. In this case the German Pak 40 would go to them.

US: M5 3-inch Gun

United Kingdom: Ordnance QF 17-pounder

Soviet Union: ZiS-3

Japan: Type 90 75mm Field Gun

Some have complained about the lack of firepower current AA guns have. Well basic Engineers would still have the current single barrel 20mm guns we have now. They’re Engineers, they’re supposed to do a basic job at support. The AT squad’s being experts would have better AA guns by default. There were a variety of more powerful AA guns used by all countries. I will name a single example just for this idea, but the point is that AT squad’s would have a stronger AA gun as opposed to regular Engineers

US: 37mm Gun M1

UK: 40mm Bofors

USSR: 37mm 61-K

Germany: 2cm Flakvierling 38

Japan: Type 4 20mm Twin


should be exclusive to the at gunner squad and it becomes a really good squad

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Why are the germans manning the howitzer all wearing loincloths?

It was a very hot day


While there are some cool guns in here, I think it would be better to all the idea to bake some more, no point jumping half assed into it.

Also surely a German 37mm gun would be a better AA gun to be more on par with their counterparts?

Note to mention a triple 25mm that would make more sense for the Japanese? That’s far more iconic at least to me. I dont think they had any real middle range AA gun, like side tangent here, Japanese AA sucked ass, Made a 25mm to be a jack of all trades, ended up being unable to do any even moderately.

Im confused by the upgraded medium grade AT guns? I think? Like you recommend the zis 3 and pak 40 but then jump up to a 17 pounder, surely the pak 43 and BS-3 would be better options in that case? And just call them a Heavy AT gun, give them to AT squads as you said. As for the Japanese option, my best suggestion is a 120mm naval gun which has a whole other host of issues fitting in there. That or upon a bit more digging since I wasnt happy with that, the Type 5 75mm gun we already have in game mounted on the Na-To, again not a perfect solution, that or the Type 92 10cm cannon, but for the latter I have doubts about it since while it did have an AP round supplied, I havent found any combat record or test data to which to base the effectiveness of such a shell, though as the gun did have a long barrel and was intended for longer range fire, I think a high velocity AP shell coming from a bit enough gun had ought to do some damage at least.

But in this case I think this kinda defeats the purpose of building flak which would be both very hard to setup in a half decent location, I could see a use for the flak guns if we got the variants of them with gun shields.

Totally agree about lower BR AT Guns though, maybe BR1 would have stuff like 2 pounders, pak36 and maybe one of the variants of 45mm, Japanese 47mm already belongs there as is. Though an issue with that I see is uptiers to BR3, which case those guns would be ineffective against what their facing, in which case youd have to have a system to automatically replace it with the more mid BR guns like the pak 40, 6 pounders, zis 3 and as for something for the Japanese, dont know many options for that sort of gun, but from a quick glance, I think the Type 90 field gun would fit better in here rather than the heavy AT section.

And last of all, just a suggestion for the ISG for japan, I think the Type 94 or Type 41 mountain guns would be a better option, purely for the fact they fit the atheistic more, and as far as im aware, more common historically.

I apologise for the the disorderly content of this comment, but I am mid rabbit hole dive into the world of improvised Japanese AT guns, lots of failures or just disappointing results if im being honest.

What kind of infantry support guns? Cause I suggested that howitzers should be Rifleman Squad buildable

I kinda like that, because I see no need to ever bring a rifle squad, sure its a lot of bodies, but all your doing with that is wasting tickets and giving out free RP with how bad AI is.

Only on defence is there a point, but in which case you have to lock up a squad for the coin flip your on the defence.

I don’t think howitzers should be just for the Riflemen class. I mean what’s the point if Engineers can build AT guns. We might as well just make basic AT guns only exclusive to the AT squad

The point is that the Engineer in general is supposed to be a support class so it needs to build gadgets. Why have a 9 man Riflemen squad if you’re all going to be standing around while one guy mans the howitzer

Nah I’d 100% use a towed howitzer on attack

I think Engies should keep their basic AT guns, and give the AT Squad a better AT gun. We can do a similar thing for howitzers
And the point of giving it to Rifleman Squad is to give people a reason to use Rifleman other than the body count

oh 100%, same here, it would make a rifle squad have a point on the attack

I look at it as only a few Squad types should/ could have a unique Engineer building because of their inherent role on the battlefield. But some squads don’t need a unique building. For example, a Mortar’s job isn’t to be running and gunning like a bad ass taking point, his job is to sit behind and use his mortar. So the Mortar squad should have a Heavy Mortar as a special building because of their role. An Assaulter or Riflemen doesn’t need a unique building because their entire role is to throw their bodies onto the point.

Plus with the Infantry Support Gun being a default building means that you can still certainly have a Riflemen squad with one if you add an Engineer to your squad

The issue there then is, is id rather take the slightly smaller engineer squad if im going to do that anyway then. Though a mortar pit building would be nice for the mortar squad, maybe one of the heavier mortars in the range of 120mm ish then.