All Squad Types and Soldier Classes for Britain and Italy

Britain and Italy may not be their own independent factions yet but I feel they should be treated with respect and integrity instead of being in the shadow of America and Germany. I can understand Italy since they really were Germany’s little sidekick throughout the war; but I mean cmon treating the British Empire as a little sidekick!

It is nice to play as Britain and Italy. They were factions in the greatest war of all time in size, scope, and scale. But Britain and Italy are lacking many things. There are only a few handful of British and Italian squads in the research tree compared to US and Germany. If I had known Britain/Italy were going to be shafted after the merge update I would’ve grinder out the entire Tunisia campaign so I would have all the squads. Sometimes I like to play as a full British or Italian lineup but I only have so much to work with. Or maybe I am doing a combined lineup and I feel like using a particular Squad type but as British/Italian for variety.

As a start, every Squad Type should be added into the Research Tree for Britain and Italy, and every soldier class available. (Note that I know a few of them are already available but it’s just easier to list all of them to make it clear)

  • Riflemen
  • Assaulter
  • Engineer
  • Sniper
  • Machine Gunner
  • Medic
  • Radio
  • Mortar
  • Flamethrower
  • Anti Tank
  • Rider
  • APC
  • Fighter Pilot
  • Attacker Pilot
  • Tanker
  • Plus eventually when Paratroopers are added to the Tree, Britain and Italy should receive one as well

Also multiples of each squad type would be great so we could have different loadouts, just like the American and German squads.

These new squads could be injected into the Research Tree to already existing items, for example adding a British Riflemen squad attached to the Lee-Enfield No.4, and a British Sniper to the Lee-Enfield No.4 T.

Plus new things can be added to the Research Tree like British and Italian Flamethrowers


Don’t forget the gimmicky rider class.

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