Just the most essential British Equipment That Must Be In The Tech Tree!


Since there isn’t gonna be separated British faction can we have this equipment in the tech tree its the bare minimum so you can play higher BRs as UK:

First British Recon Squad :
British Recon

List item:

Lewis Gun BR III:
-Lewis gun 47 mag

Sterling submachine gun BR IV:

Cromwell V BR III:

Comet I BR IV:

Spitfire F MK XIVe:


I appreciate more british equipment filling capability gaps in the current west allies tree.

Add spit 9s for fighters.


free churchill is a must,most produced british tank and cool spaa
sten mk4, lee enfield no5, bren mk3 should also be there


No. 5 Mk l Jungle Carbine

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Yes! This should have been in the tree already.
This could make a decent BR IV. If Deemed too weak I could see it at BR III.

Solid vehicles I think this is the perfect BR for them. They should have been in the tree already too.

This is the exact place I would have put it, This also should have been in the tree already.

Sitting right among the BARs. This would also give a little bit more variety. And bigger magazines since the only magazines above 20 rounds are the British ones until BR V. It’s a perfect place for it.

The Soviets also used it, debatable if that should go into their tree as well. Seeing as they already have a squad associated with it but they’ve done crazier things with a paratroopers having AS-44 Model 5’s which is a tech tree weapon.

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This and more italian stuff,please


I have put just the most needed but I can love some extra stuff even some prototypes will be welcome like:

Black Prince:

SLEM - 1 :

If the Soviets got AK -47 why not give the British FN?

And lets not forget :
AlsoTyphoon Mk Ib/L:

Lewis Gun 97 mag:
Lewis Gun 97 mag


I think the Sten Mk V, Patchett Machine Carbine, and Lee Enfield No 5 could be added as special (Premiumor event) Paratrooper squads, since I think it’s best for Para squads to have para weapons. A perfect match

There are so many vehicles that could be added for Britain, I feel the devs are legitimately neglecting them and people make it seem like they have no content

Yeah after the merge UK and Italy where neglected sadly :frowning:

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