Suggestions for upcoming battle rating matchmaking to keep variety in the game & rant about Enlisted's problems

My latest revision of the general, variety oriented (without screwing everyone but the top tier spam) BR matchmaking system:

  • Restrict the use of theese Higher BR that the battle’s average by a point system that’s needed to spawn again your good squads, restricting you into playing your “bad” (or at worst “cannon fodder”) squads to get the points to respawn again the better ones. (outright dont allow them to just cycle their best 3 squads) Score system similar to @VoyoMayPL 's idea.

  • Punish and even ban people that sudicide in order to cheese the system and cycle back to their best squad (abuse the sudicide button repeatedly?? Banhammer!)

  • Hard cap the lower BR range of vehicles and specialist gear to a couple BR brackets lower that their BR, so Tiger II H with 9 Kar98k cannon fodder squads should have the same BR as Tiger II H with an MP 40 and a Gewehr 43 squad. (example)
    (flamertroopers, mortars, AT guns, tanks of all types, aircraft of all types, paratroopers)

  • Limit the BR range between squads in a preset. You shouldnt even be allowed to put a full StG 44 & FG 42 squad next to 2 full Kar98k squad’s that don’t even have consistent grenades. Come on, it’s so obvious ya trying to cheese the system to fight mid tier garand players! STOP that! you shouldnt be aven allowed to be in the queue for a match ya sealclubber!!! At least replace those FG 42’s with Gewehr 43’s, get some MP 40’s and give those god damn cannon fodder squads over there something better thant the basic rifle they come with!! Better: Reallocate those guns througout all of your squads, maybe add a couple Gewehr 43’s,some MP 40’s and a Pz 4J and now you can play!!

  • Some basic skill based matchmaking to combat “skill gap”
    We dont need a full on ranked mobe or anything close to this extreme, but you really think that a true newbie (no skill from other fps games) can win against a veteran?? Even if you fully swap their loadouts and the vet that only has 3 big Mosin Nagant squads is now chasing the StG 44 toting newbie the veteran is still able to pull it off, it just not a stomp, the newbie can win if he forces cqc fights and doesn’t stand in the open to be sniped. All that we need is a soft barrier between the newbies and the average grinders, another soft barrier between the average players and the Elite Veterans. Ofcorse, the newbies should NOT face theese veterans regularly, even when the vet’s play full bolt-action loadouts.

  • Map changes to eliminate the ability to CAMP SPAWN in a tank, making CAS and high tier tanks the only way to deal with them. I could be okay with just not be able fire if you are in an area that the enemy can’t go, i yould really prefer the elimination of theese one sided gray zones. WHY you can go in a secluded & far away camping spot, pummel the point with 75mm+ HE shells and i can’t flank you?? How that makes any sense?? It removes the only ways low level players can reliably kill heavy tanks because the map kills them ehen they try!!

  • Make vehicles and top squads impact the BR more hevily than other units.
    Dont count at all the worst few squads so “cannon fodder” cannot be used to lower overall BR too much and cheese the system


A Weighted average BR calculation:
Here is one basic formula for 8 infantry squads & 2 vehicle squads:

(xT + xZ + wA + wB + C + D + E) / (x + x + w + w + 1 + 1 + 1) + (F + G + H)*0 = BR

with A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H being the BR’s of the infantry squads from best to worst and T,Z are the BR’s of the vehicle squads.
Notice that the worst 3 infantry squads BR is multiplied with 0 ? that’s because they dont count towards the preset’s BR and they can’t lower it anymore.
Also, you can see two weight values here, ‘w’ and ‘x
Theese can increase the importance of the two best infantry squads and the vehicle ones respectinely.
You want the velicles to matter alot in the BR? increase ‘x’ to 5 or something. Now, the vehicles count 5 times towards the BR, increasing it noticeably above the average BR for that 10 squad preset.
You want the top squads to not be dragged down much?? Increase ‘w’ to 3 or something.

Remember, that each squad’s BR should be determined the same way, with basicaly averaging the BR of like 2/3rds of the soldiers, ignoring the 1/3rd that have the lowest BR and put a ‘weight’ of like 2 on the 2 to 3 best soldiers of the squad. Squad size should also matter, since a stock assaulter squad with an StG 44 and 3 Gewehr 43’s is just worse that a full MP 40 squad with an MG and an engineer.