Why automatic rifles are all over the place?

Obv more people find out playing full auto enjoyable. You are in minority, deal with it. Shtts will not change because of f2p BA lover. Especially since he is in minority.


Idk perhaps if some mods becomes kind of “official” then probably.
Lone wolf for example, playing against other players without AI definitely should grant just as much exp as regular matchmake.

But the bot slaughtering what happened in past definitely should remain restricted with exp.

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I’m F2P exactly because of that. Why would I support a game that mostly disregards me?


Yeah. Its bettee to keep listening to whales with stockholm syndrome.


I dont think we need more classes which are de facto another Assaulter rip-off. Make most “SFs” Assaulter weapon and the FG42 a Gunner weapon. After all, thats their main purpose as class.


Not afraid of automatic weapons, just disgusted by constant spam.
(after merge it will be worse, like much worse…)

Yep! They are making this impossible… Instead, they should insentivize grabbing just a few high tier weapons and not just spamming them, that way, you can all have fun, even the broke ones that are grinding/have a gold order, keep variety of equpment in games while avoiding the top tier spam.
You had a nice idea about fixing that here mr @VoyoMayPL :

Where that idea came from
I also revised my ideas here:


@Adamnpee He didn’t say he doesn’t enjoy “high level weapons”, he said he doesn’t like “full auto mayhem”, which is not just a “minority” position. Also, f2p players are the backbone of f2p games like this one. Alienating them can kill games through lack of players to fill lobbies…

@VoyoMayPL Exactly!

@mergenthewise, Look above, me (@xaos_) & @VoyoMayPL are brainstorming ideas on how to not let spam be the only reasonable option because of matchmaker…

unrelated point i want to adress:

The main problem with these weapons is the inconsistency with their assigned type.
Currently, they are supposed to be sorted as:
.a) Classified as an MG (BAR’s,…) : is an MG
.b) Full power cartridge select fire rifles (AVT-40,…) : is a rifle
.c) Intermediate cartridge select fire rifles (StG44, AS-44,…) : is a SMG
.d) pistol & intermediate cartridge semi-auto carbines (M1 Carbine, *) : is a rifle
*(gold order pistol-caliber carbines)

But, this isn’t consistent. AT ALL.

When the MkB42 / MP43 / StG44 were added to the game, they were available for most soldiers (rifleman, engineer, etc…) but it was “too OP” and they were lumped with the SMG’s.
They completely forgot to give the same treatment to the M2 Carbine (the US equvelant) even though we have the ((old) gold order) M2A1 Carbine (w.wire stock) with the SMG’s. (bugged tho, kills count as “semi-auto” kills).

They also have a problem with[u] elite light MG’s like the FG 42 which is labeled as a rifle while it’s tooltip literaly says: “Elite light machine gun, …”, while it’s american equvelant, the Jonson LMG (only in the pacific for now, but the M2 Carbine still exist…) is an MG, so the US is the only nation that doesn’t have a Full power cartridge select fire rifle (gold order weapons don’t really count, since you can’t equip full squads with them)

Last, why is the VG 1-5 an SMG??? Semi-auto weapons have no place in assaulter squads, so why is the VG 1-5 only available for them? It’s tooltip even says: “VG 1-5 semiautomatic rifle was…” and it’s not much better than the M1 Carbine. Just remove 1 mag (or 2) and let normal infantry use them! (with -1 mag it will be a worse (gold order) Gewehr 43 in 7.92x33mm Kurz, and with -2 mag’s it will have 15 rounds less than the M1 Carbine)

TL/DR: FG 42 & Jonson LMG should be categorised the same (either both at rifles, or MG’s), M2 Carbine shoyld be classed as an SMG, and the VG 1-5 has no place as an “SMG”, it’s a semi-auto rifle.




IMO, semi autos are the only other weapons that do work with assault squads besides shotguns.
Reason being the quicker fire/fast paced close quarters combat.

Also the V G 1-5 is a beast of a weapon and way too good to be considered a semi auto, as you can tap it quick enough to compete with AR’s and smgs

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Don’t ever disrespect my beloved Berlin. It has its problems but it’s vowed to work on them and do better. Give her a chance.

Yes, semi-autos work in close quarters combat, and that includes the M1 Garand & Gewehr 43 (for example)

So is the M1 Carbine. so why are they treated differently??? They are similar weapons, so put them in the same category!
It is the only semi-auto rifle limited to assaulters, which makes no sense. Either treat it like all the other semi-auto carbines, or limit all carbines to assaulters only (incliding the M1 Carbine)

It’s insane seeing the M2 Carbine on normal infantrymen while the VG 1-5 is limited to assaulters only. The other way around makes more sense.

“toxic automatic spam” is a big problem, but the biggest problems are more general that just berlin. Gray-sone camping, endless & one-sided CAS spam and tank power disparity (look at berlin again LOL) are equally as big problems and WAY more prevelant.


I gotta say you are definitely right. I have no real arguments against it. I just don’t take the devs that seriously anymore as most suggestions that have been asked for since ages ago have been ignored. The other thing is at this point most people have their squads how they want them with the current system after having to grind out those late game weapons. people take it personally when changes come that will alter their perfect setups


Because that’s the trajectory of the game Gaijin chose. And now that the train has long gone with this style, it remains to adapt or not play if you cannot find the fun factor for yourself in this medium.

It seems you said the problem yourself, you are welcome to play RO2 though.

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I might be considering to take a look on Hell Let Loose and I already talked to some including fellow RO2 veterans about it. Just gotta wait for a sale.

I’m already preparing for the worst on Enlisted with even worse chance to mess it up with the merge and BR system.


I noticed this the other day on my feed


I have seen the same thing and I do have RS2 on my library as well. As I research through HLL finding stuff from RO2 and RS2 veterans and their sentiment about it, there’s some mixed bag on certain mechanics.

Seen some people get turned off on HLL and I don’t think $30 justify such a game that doesn’t have some stuff RO2 have like native voices.


The Mkb is an Assault rifle, the Federov is an auto rifle

I don’t think we need a new class just for automatic rifles. I think one of the factors in all these complicated debates is how each faction handled their automatic rifles

For example, the US used the Bar in basically the same role as the German MG. While the FG42 was mostly a semi rifle that could go automatic for specific situations. So I wouldn’t make the FG42 an LMG because it’s not

Theoretically they could make the original BAR into an auto rifle while the others BARs remain LMGs because those were specifically turned into that role

The whole core of these debates is what classes should have auto rifles. Some say Machine Gunners but I disagree because it’s in the name, they are not MGs. But on another hand SOME were used tactically for fire support. Some say Assaulters, but on another hand some Auto rifles were primarily used just like any other rifle and could just go automatic for emergencies or certain situations.

I am not opposed to any overhauls but I don’t like radical change too quickly, so for the foreseeable future I think auto rifles should stay as riflemen weapons

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Does anyone actually use the full auto of most of those weapons? (Outside of M2 and MkB) For me it’s muscle memory by now to instantly switch to semi any time I can
(I guess it would be kind of nice to un-power creep the game a bit though)

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Same. I’m waiting for Nov 21 - Nov 28, 2023: Steam Autumn Sale, and I’ll try to touch HHL a little bit myself. I’m just a very solo-oriented player, and I’ll try to manage my team of a few friends together.

I’m also preparing for the worst, hoping for the best.

Also. WW2 Online is making a huge update, porting the whole game into Unreal engine. That gonna be huge. Just they work very slowly on that project lacking resources, but it’s going.