Option to bring "elite" BR+1 squad

Add an extra “elite” slot that will allow you to equip squad with BR higher by one, than your “normal” squads.
So if I’m BR 3, I can take one “elite” squad of BR4.

To deploy said squad, player will have to use his score like in titan rise event. (Note, players will spend spawn score, not exp. Though they are gained in the same way and ammount.)

Some ideas of how to prevent abuse (random order)
  1. Make it limited to 1 slot only. So even with premium you won’t be able to cycle those elite squads.

  2. Make those squads not earn spawn score. So player is forced to play normal squads to deploy “elite” ones

  3. Add a modifier to gained score. (Personal favourite)

    • If I kill enemy soldier with my BR-1, I get 50% score
    • If I kill enemy soldier with my BR+0, I get 100% score
    • If I kill enemy soldier with my BR+1, I get 150% score


  4. Combination of 2 and 3 (ex aequo personal favourite) :

    • If I kill enemy soldier with my BR-1, I get 0% spawn score and 50% exp
    • If I kill enemy soldier with my BR+0, I get 100% score
    • If I kill enemy soldier with my BR+1, I get 150% score


This way games will be a bit more spicy but still balanced.
Also it will give players a farier chance to fight in case they get uptiered.


That’s so fokin good idea.


What would you consider a BR+1. Give us an example of a match

As you wish.
So let’s say I’m BR3, I can take one “elite” BR4 squad.
My BR3 squads will consist of whatever devs decide to make a BR3 equipment in the upcoming big update (called also: the merge) and my BR4 squad will consist of whatever devs decide to make a BR4 equipment.

the idea sounds nice in paper. as you’d be able that way to tackle with uptiered matches.

but would become too much of an hussle and could be potentially harmful as it’s a double edge sword.


if you happen to be on a BR ( tier ) e, using mostly mps and what not, you’d potentially see uptier stuff against people of lower / the same br as you. all good here.

just like warthuner, people using br 4 while you’re in the br 3 will somewhat rekt you with no issue with their default equipment. and that’s what could potentially happen.

instead, they will wreck even more because they them selves own an " elite " except it’s of BR 5.

not sure if i’m making my self clear.

so… perhaps some restrictions would be needed to be put in place.

but… outside the squad composition it self, not sure what could be " touched " to adress or even tackle the system.

or maybe i’m overreacting. dunno.


Like this?

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it’s not so much the score that worries me.

but them still being able to use uptier weapons in br that shouldn’t be.

getting stged in tier 3.7 wouldn’t really be a good thing.

it’s what i’m trying to say

actually. yeah. we don’t really know brs.

and… i’m using tiers as brs. which it’s not entirely right.

so… difficult to explain.

but yeah. getting killed by things that shouldn’t be there.

again. both a savior and a curse.

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Being up tiered will happen no matter if we like it or not. Happens in WT, happens in Wot.
So at least give ppl tools to mitigate their disadvantage.

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actually. sure why not.

not particularly against it, but tricky to balance.

Then maybe they should be enabled only when uptiered, otherwise you will not have option to deploy them.

It would be really nice to have some way how to counter uptier.


yeah. would be a great indicator too.

Then why not simply change player’s squads to his BR+ presets he already has?

Also it kills the whole “elite squad” vibe I’d want to achieve.

Presets are limited, not everyone will have such a option.


I agree with this. But I do more care about option to counter bad luck than some elite immersion stuff.

But that’s just my pure selfish opinion. I really hate RNG in every way.

Yes but I mean for an actual match.

My take is: bad luck will happen no matter what so at least allow me to have fun and LARP

what… exactly are you trying to achieve then ?

i thought the reason to have elite brs ( which… now that i think about it, only benefits more players that already unlocked the further brs and hence wants to play on low br as well as some new players wanting to use the next tiers while being somewhat safe and at the same time, familiraze him / her selves with the next weapons that has already been unlocked ) was to counter uptiers.

what’s your plan youngster?

ah. larping.

well… i’m sorry but the merge does not allow for that.

as… stgs will primarily uptier you enough to encounter those funny individual with 9 ment avs / 6 ppshes.

which… it is somewhat HA. but not really enjoyable.

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I understand you. I am just giving possible suggestion if your suggestions isn’t good enough for others.

It’s not like I am trying to counter it.

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Things can serve 2 purposes.
This idea both helps to fight uptiered players and gives an opportunity to play as “muh elite” squad.

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Devs will assign BRs when the time comes.