Overhaul of Customization System Post-Merge

Overhaul of Customization System Post-Merge

With the elimination of the campaign systems we now have the opportunity to restructure the camouflage system that has been left in such a disparaged state that it must finally be addresed and fixed! What I propose is the overhaul reorganization, unification and simplification of the customization system, while also addressing and proposing suggestions to some glaring issues. Customization made right will not only better the game by providing the players the opportunity to personalize their squads while also providing a new revenue opportunity for DF.

Elimination of the campaigns:
As the game gradually moves away from campaigns and into scenarios or maps, with key locations tied to the BRs, it seems illogical to constrict the customization to the outdated campaigns. It is also logical to think that with new updates, introducing new maps, the number of “campaigns” would balloon to an unreasonable number. Presently, Germany is featured in 5 of these campaigns, meaning that to customize a single squad of 7 elements, would mean spending over 280 orders in just torso pieces alone!

New Categorization of Customization

  • BY TIME-PERIODS: Early War (1939-1942) and Mid/Late War (1943-1945) which should coincide with the appropriate selection of maps AND in accordance with the respective BRs.
  • BY SEASONS: Winter/Spring and Summer/Autumn, tied to map selection.

Currently between each campaign there are different types of customizations. Stalingrad allows the customization of hands, with gloves, while on the Pacific campaign you have pre-made uniforms. The proposal is the standardization of what can be customized, which should be the Stalingrad system, allowing players to customize their soldiers further.


At the moment, veteran players enjoy a rooster of hundreds of squads for each nation. If one were to customize each soldier in each squad in each campaign it would easily translate to millions of orders, which will only get worse once more nations are introduced, insanity! A simple solution is to make purchased items for each time-period and season unlockable to every other soldier of every squad.
Items that are not time-period/season exclusive, such as the german Stahlhelm, could also be made available, once bought, to all soldiers/squads irrespective of the time-period. This would mean you wouldn’t have to buy duplicates.

Currently these two nations are present in mostly legacy squads. With the eventual introduction of these two nations their customization should be more fleshed out. In the meantime and as a testbed to future customization, I propose the unification of the UKs camouflages (equal among the 3 campaigns) and the introduction of Italian-exclusive uniforms in the remaining campaigns, currently available in Tunisia:

Historical images for reference:


Reference threads/Similar threads:
Soldier's Cosmetic Concept Idea ( Enhance it by expanding it )
Suggestion for post-merge uniforms
Non-German/Non-US squads customization
Merge Suggestions
Special Uniforms


YES Yes yes

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Appreciate the positive feedback. Hopefully with more traction this will get to the right people and hopefully they’ll change the customization for the better :crossed_fingers:

I like your I on how it should be categorized and that you should only need to buy basic things once but I think I like this post on the other parts of customization from this post I think both of you make good points


I love that idea too, especially about the decals/insignias, though I think it should be restricted to the respective squad that used them historically. Meaning a soldier of the 1st Infantry Division of the US could use the “Big Red One” insignia on the shoulder. Everything else is great!

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I agree, I hope something like this gets added

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