Soldiers' Appearance and the New Enlisted

Hello people, since the campaigns have been merged, why wouldn’t the Appearance Mode be merged too, according to the different kind of environment?

Lemme elaborate:

How is it now.
Appearance Mode” is currently organized according to the former campaigns (let’s say for Germany: Battle of Moscow, Battle of Berlin, Battle of Stalingrad, Invasion of Normandy and Battle of Tunisia).
This doesn’t fit in the game at its current status, as appearance belonging to - let’s say - Battle of Moscow can be used freely in Battle of Stalingrad, but won’t be adopted in Tunisia.
It’s a mess when it come to customization.

The issue.
The main issue is that, since the campaigns got merged, it would make sense to merge the appearance modes menu according to the type of environments, and not according to the former campaigns. As it is now, it’s a mess, it makes customization chaotic.
The current situation is also very limiting, and forces a player to use a lot of appearance changing cards and never get the final result they want.
Can we also buy these cards using silver coins too?

Possible solutions.

  • The Appearance Mode could support a distinction based upon the main theaters of war, let’s say “Europe”, “Africa”, “Asia/Pacific”, with Europe comprehending all the maps set in Europe and Russia, Africa comprehending the Tunisia campaign (and possible upcoming ones), Asia/Pacific comprehending the US-Japanese campaign (and possible upcoming ones in the said region).
  • Alternatively, the Appearance Mode could be based upon environments/temperatures/seasons: Arctic (snowy maps), Winter/Fall (not snowy but cold maps much like in Normandy campaign), Hot (for Pacific and non-desertic maps), Desert (for Tunisia and possible upcoming similar map types).

Last considerations.
Both the two solution ideas may have their pros and cons and are just ideas, but it feels like a rework of the appearance system is much needed in this New Enlisted.
Thanks for your attention.


Only thing

Maintain Berlín profile

SCS1B.Tan need be separated from other skins

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Customization is clearly a pressing issue considering the number of suggestions. I find yours an interesting solution to this issue, similar to what I suggested previously.

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