Non-German/Non-US squads customization

Okay, so Tunisian campaign introduced Italian and Commonwealth squads into the game, tucked into German and US Army, but they have differed with the unique uniforms and their unique customization possibilites.
Currently, with the latest MERGE, the squads remained in the game, but the Italian/Commonwealth customization works only when the matchmaking rolls the former Tunisian campaign map - otherwise, the squad with customized appearance is magically dressed up with the German/US uniforms, but the voices and names still remains.

What do you think about changing that and allowing players to use their bought for orders customized uniforms on EVERY map rolled by the matchmaking? Italians also fought on the Eastern Front, Commonwealth also thought on Pacific and in Normandy, so no historical accuracy will be harmed. Currently, the spent Customization Orders are just wasted.


Imo: they should make it player by player determined. I for example hate the look of less than historical squads in places where they weren’t, but others may not feel the same(and who knows? Maybe I could change my mind in the future), so maybe they should just add in a menu option to “Mask Historically Innacurate Squads”, heck, they could maybe even let you choose if you wanted to mask or not mask them in both 3rd and 1st person which’d be great for those who wanted to choose whether or not to still use historically innacurate squads for their playing style/weapons.

acctually those squad historically were in these places! Italian fought on the Eastern Front and even in Stalingrad, aswell as Commonwealth also fought in Normandy.

This game has nothing common with the historical accuracy - never have and don’t have now, when you are storming Moscow locations (1941) armed with the FNAB43 produced after 1943 and Armaguerra which was never produced…

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Ver-sur-Mer map in Normandy was a British landing.
But of course, historical accuracy only died just now, everyone was happy with Americans charging up the Gold Beach for 2 bloody years in this game.

Yup, especially with never-existing weapons in hand, slicing enemies with officer’s sword and throwing Wild West-like bundles of dynamite… :wink: