This game has one of the worst (if not THE worst) cosmetic monetization system I've ever seen in a videogame

TL;DR: Enlisted’s gameplay might be enjoyable, but the shocking reality of its cosmetic monetization system is nothing short of a financial disaster. Players, particularly new ones, are confronted with an outrageous scheme where each cosmetic item is a one-time use for a single soldier, forcing them to shell out exorbitant amounts over and over again for different soldiers, squads, and campaigns. The staggering cost to fully outfit a squad resembles a financial black hole, leaving players questioning the sanity of spending thousands of dollars on duplicate cosmetics which can’t be reused. The overall impression is one of drastic, predatory monetization, with the game’s profit-driven approach overshadowing any semblance of player-friendly engagement.

Full disclosure; I’m a new player, only started playing 3 weeks ago. I enjoy the gameplay, so I bought 3 months of premium time and the current battle pass too. The game is fun for me, and it scratches the itch I’m looking for currently.
One of the 2 main aspects that made me try this game is the sense of scale it gives in the matches and the squad customization element.

While the first one is arguably something I enjoy, the customization is downright criminal.

I’ve seen some shitty monetization practices in my life, but what Enlisted is doing has to be the worst designed, predatory and anti consumer system ever.

Unless I’m mistaken, this is how it works:
Every cosmetic slot is tied to a single soldier in a single theatre of war. Not to an army, not to a squad, it’s down to the unique solider level.

Now that I’ve accrued some appearance orders and some gold too, I figured I would start engaging with this system. That’s when I realized just how predatory it is.

So let’s say I’m playing Germany, and want my soldiers to wear the Stahlhelm. Ok, so if the game doesn’t assign a helm to my soldiers randomly, I’ll have to cough up some cash and pay. Fair, - I guess - it’s a F2P game afterall, so that’s how it’s going to be. That’s when I found out that the Stahlhelm cosmetic I just paid for is not actually an unlock, just a single use item for a single soldier in a single theatre of war. Is this for real? Like what the hell? Does DarkFlow seriously expect people to buy the exact same cosmetic dozens or sometimes even hundreds of times? How on earth is this ok? Oh, and that’s not even the worst part. You can even lose these cosmetics (that you paid for) once you realize that your soldiers perk points are randomized (which a new player won’t) and if you buy cosmetics for a soldier that you’ll later have to ditch because of it’s perk points they are just lost forever. But wait, there is more! Your soldier classes have multiple levels. So the shiny new helmet you bought for your Rifleman Lvl 1 is only tied to that soldier, but in higher BR brackets, your Rifleman Lvl 3 is a separate entity, so you have to buy them again. Seriously, how is anybody ok with this?

Once I realized this I started doing calculations, and it’s just mind boggling.

So equiping a single soldier with a head, torso and leg cosmetic costs 390 Gold or the equivalent of ~$3.9. (this doesn’t include the change of their sometimes hideous heads or the glove slot)
To do the same for your shiny new fully upgraded riflemen squad, it will be nine times this much, so 3510 gold, or the equivalent of ~$35. For a single squad for one theatre of war. Remember they can’t be reused, so now you have to buy the exact same cosmetics multiple times, in the case of Germany, a whopping 6 times. So that single rifleman squad outfitted to all campaigns, 9 x $35, which is $315. For a single freaking squad. The equivalent of 4 fully priced AAA titles, and some DLC (or cosmetics lol) and still have some left over.

Now that you paid $315, surely, you can now start equipping your squads with the equipment you bought right? Wrong, you have to do this for every freaking soldier, in every squad, in every campaign and every army on almost every BR level. Remember, Rifleman 1 is not Rifleman 2 or 3 so you have to buy all of this all over again.

Now let’s look at a VERY basic lineup of squads consisting of 3 infantry squads and one vehicle.

Rifleman squad is $315
Engineer squad is $210
Machinegun squad is $280
Tank squad crew is $175

I was looking forward to engaging with this system, but looking at the costs there is no way I’m going to throw thousands of dollars to buy the exact same helmet/coat/trousers hundreds of times.

Also consider, that this is on top of premium time and a battlepass which are all recurring revenues. The whole thing just feels like it’s monetized as a dying mobile game or worse. Is this game on it’s last legs and trying to milk the remaining customers for whatever they can before they shut down? (Genuine question, I’m still new)

This isn’t my first F2P game, and I’m willing to spend money on them if the value proposition is right, but here it’s just not. DarkFlow, please consider the following suggestion so people will actually engage with this system.

Make cosmetic pieces more expensive but make them unlocks for an army. So continuing the example of the Stahlhelm (standard gray with the chinstrap down), make it cost like 20 Appearance Orders or $6 (using your current formula of 1 AO = 30 Gold)

Some other examples:
Helmet slot: 20 AO or $6
Torso slot: 80 AO or $24
Leg slot: 30 AO or $9

These prices are still pretty expensive, but it would be a much better value proposition than the current system.


You’re right, but I have several squads with cosmetics and I still have like 900 tickets.

But yes, for new people there should be the option of equipping an entire squad at a more normal price, between €3 and €5.

yes its disgusting

I love customization but the exorbitant prices just kill it for me.

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A solution that I proposed earlier:

In short: items are only bought once and appliable to every soldier of every squad, applied accordingly to season + time-period. Non-exclusive to time-period or season items are useable by every soldier in every squad irrespective of the ordering systems.

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So I really don’t know what you want. The uniforms of the German´s come from HUGO BOSS. That has its price. Go and buy a Hugo Boss suit today. The price is hot, even today. If you want to look good, you need money.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t know how the pre-merge appearance order economy worked, but even if you get plenty of orders it’s still mind bogglingly expensive for what it is and the design issues I’ve highlighted with the current system plagues the old and new player base the same.

Reading a little more of the forum on this topic it looks like people are losing access to cosmetics they bought even if they don’t delete the soldier they bought it for. No doubt because of how complicated the whole thing must be in the backend.

You DO know that they were just a factory for these outfits, they didn’t design them or have any input into the fabrics or finishes. They bid for business like everyone else, and in fact most of the senior posts just got nationalised like most of German industry at the time and got told that this is what you’re making.

Just about every current German company can be tared with that brush, and if you really want to find culprits in your line of thinking then I.G. Farben has a lot more on their conscience than BOSS.

There is that and the fact that in this game the Soviet and Japanese cosmetics priced all the same and they were definitely not made by Hugo Boss, so that defeats the whole argument :slight_smile:

Next time I will indicate the irony or sarcasm. Obviously some have a problem recognizing this one. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Yeah after merge i’m not even touching any customizations since they are so insanely expensive and you need 6 of them for the Axis.

Now, show me where these uniforms are in the game, and I will agree.

Even though there are many customizable options for each nation, it isn’t enough detail.

I wish we had the ability to change the equipment on the belt… Such as ammunition pouches (MP40 vs STG44 pouches) or have K98 pouches and G43 pouches for the belt. To wear a backpack or to not would be nice. I hate that the Axis camo tops are always equipped with a backpack that sticks out 1 foot off of the soldier. It’s annoying and unsightly for someone who is an assaulter. Especially since the fact that if you select the backpack, it appears on a soldier if there is no cosmetic there. Why not make it an equipment item only?


They need in drastically increase appearance orders to allow for multiple squads if they won’t reduce costs.

You are correct. It’s an incredibly poorly designed system.

The main thing is the math doesn’t add up when you consider the cosmetics are one time use and only for one soldier. To outfit one BR it would cost around 3k AO ir more depending on squad slots.

They should switch to a skin system like mamy other games. Increase the price of individual cosmetics but make them a permanent unlock.

Permanent skins is a system everyone understands because its in countless games and is easy to monetize. I will never buy single use cosmetics for gold on sheer principle that it does not make sense. However, I would buy cosmetics for my soldier if they were re usable.

Love the game, but it has the worst customization ever seen. Want to change soldier’s face? Well as German low BR you will have to buy the same face 5 times for the same guy. Solution? Drop prices a little.

Yeah, it’s another gripe I have. It would be much nicer (and more immersive) to make it work similar to backpack slot items. When I equip a pistol, make it show up on the soldier. Same with Knives, Axes, Shovels, Canteens, Pouches, Medkits… etc.
They pretty much have these modeled and placed on the soldiers through their cosmetics, and they also have backpack slots programmed, so they have all the building blocks to make this work fairly quickly.

I’m not asking them to give it away for free through AOs, as that’s something they simply won’t do. I’d argue that a standard unlock system on the faction level would make it more reasonable and a better value proposition. As things stand right now, this whole system is basically a scam and nobody should buy any of these ever.