Suggestion for post-merge uniforms

Rather than having uniforms tied to campaigns, what if we just had options for “Summer”, “Winter”, “Desert” and “Tropical” uniform sets for each squad.

Some factions might not use all of these options, such as Russia not using Tropical or Desert options, or the US/UK not having winter uniforms for the current map set, but overall I think it would be a more streamlined system.


I think the biggest barrier to things like this is different campaigns having different campaigns having different options for item slots and them not being uniform, and people having already purchased them. I suppose they could simply full refund all cosmetics and implement a new system which handles things uniformly.

I would actually prefer that in either case because it seems like in the test server cosmetics on soldiers were getting stuck on them when they were moved to the reserve.


The problem is people will complain about the uniform of the soldier being non immersive. For example, Italian uniform appear in Berlin or Volkssturm uniform appear outside Berlin.

Summer for berlin and normandy, autumn for sgrad city and moscow autumn maps, winter for stz and moscow winter, tropical for pacific, and desert for tunisia

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I can understand the concern, but this sort of thinking really isn’t sustainable for the future of the game. As more maps and more campaigns are added there will simply be too many uniforms to purchase without some sort of overlap.
