New currency

That seems like an incredible system, in theory!!!

then the practical reality comes in and kicks you in the groin.

right now, we have 6 campaigns. for 4 armies. but the armies and the number of campaigns is not the same for every side. rus side have 3 campaigns>you arm 3 armies. germany, on the other side, have 5 campaigns. you arm 5 armies. japan, on the other side, have 1 campaign. so, 1 army.
looking at it, you immediately realize some sides benefit way, way, way more from this new system than others. not having to equip for 5 campaigns is not worth the same as not having to equip for 3 campaigns, and equipping for 1 single campaign is basically the same in gear amount as before. but NOT the same in price to pay for that gear.

so, japan players are extremely fkd, while german get the lion share in savings, and rus and usa in the middle?
you dont have to equip 5 assaulter squads for japan!!! does not work. germany will save a LOT of resources, rus and usa will not so much, and japan equipping and resource costs will go much higher than now.

not to mention that, in reality, this system advantages apply ONLY if you play one single BR. think about it for a while. compare it to the one we have now. it can be compared, for easy understanding, as playing a single campaign. say, old>you play germany normandy and ONLY that. new>you play germany top BR and ONLY that. the moment you want to gear for another campaign, you need extra equipment. the moment you want to play another BR, you need extra equipment.

am i understanding this wrong? it cant be that noone noticed this, guess i made a mistake somewhere.


well planned. That and a permanent rank system would be very useful

Looks the developers want to once again monetize this game like a micro transaction or loop hole micro transaction system. EA did it and not Gajin is following suit with this concept, I’m just waiting for them to say you can “buy” silver next. Stop breaking the current system, leave it alone and direct your attention to new units, or maybe fix up the bugs. Or should I say this even more for the developers, how about give aircraft better weaponry or a 1st person control of a gunner slot in a bomber? Oh my… Wait, pie in the sky thoughts.


Yes, to the tier of the soldier, the higher the tier, higher it costs.

No, everything here stays on place.

You will, easily, just upgrade red squad tech tree to get access to next lvl of soldier.

Ok, you may want to find a way to more clearly state that then.

that is stupid… imho they should just remove that stat randomization… this is fps, not an rpg.

now couple of questions:

  1. will old lvl. 1 soldiers be automatically upgraded to lvl 5?
  2. fully upgraded soldiers/weapons will not be cheaper in new version. you had a pretty good chance to get 2, 3, 4 or 5 lvl soldier, or +1, +2 or +3 weapon. you put cost of upgrading soldier from lvl. 1 to lvl. 5 and for weapons from stock to +3. what is the average cost of fully upgraded weapons/soldiers when you include chance of getting higher level soldier/weapon? cause for me this now seems just like hidden cost increase under the guise of discount.
  3. getting max stat soldier will be stupidly expensive in new economy. before you could just buy 10-20 soldiers to get 1-2 max stat soldier and it wasnt that expensive. with new economy you would be basically buying 10-20 fully upgraded soldiers making this equal to buying 100-200 soldiers in old economy. will you remove stat randomization? or will you bring some other way to max out soldier?

also i dont like increased cost of vehicles. veterans will mostly have loads of fully upgraded vehicles, while newbies will be in bad position with buying and upgrading new vehicles.


I just spent all of my 200+ Soldier Silver Orders yesterday, hired over 200 soldiers in the Pacific, and then fired all of the soldiers I hired.
If I had seen this news yesterday, I would have been discouraged from wasting my money.

i was also thinking about that. I’m already very rich and i don’t need to buy anything else

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? Right now it’s 69 bronze orders to max out a 3 star weapon from 3 to 6 with the discount, after the merge it will be equivalent to 50 bronze orders. Even just the last upgrade is cheaper, it costs 5490 silver with the discount, which is equivalent to 28 bronze. Right now it’s 39.

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Just to confirm there is no vehicle repair cost or something to pay in case of death?


I have said myself regarding the BR system with the constant uptiers because of certain popular BRs being one of the biggest issues in War Thunder. Still some people think merge is going to fix splitting of the playerbase but Im gonna say it again that the BR system is going to split the playerbase in a different form.


Keo said before, nothing like that is planned.


Is there a specific reason the currency is so inflated?

Why 100 coins and not 1, for example?

I think robihr means the chance to get max or nearly maxed weapons in the current system makes it cheaper.


you are looking at the point of stock weapon to +3. when you include that you have pretty good chance of getting +1, +2 or +3 weapon actual price changes.
i will use -40% prices and in silver

t3 weapon before was 1500 silver. lets say that you had 70% chance of getting stock weapon, 15% chance of getting +1, 10% chance of getting +2 and 5% chance of getting +3.
actual average upgrade price would be 70%*13800+15%*11800+10%*7800=12210
if you include 1500 silver, +6 weapon would cost you 13710 silver. in new version cost of +6 will always cost you 14990 silver thus making new weapons more expensive.

cause idk their RNG values that is why i asked for average cost based on those values and not upgrading from stock to max value.


I have a theory on this.

I think it’s to make future currency gains easier to calculate.

A bigger number allows for less needed decimals, for example:

1000 xp = 1000 silver new currency.


1000xp = 10 silver new currency.

What if…

I earn 950 xp?

With the first scenario I’d just get 950 silver.

With the second I’d get… 9.5? What about the other 0.5?

So yeah I think it’s why they created bigger numbers. Should be easier to get precise currency amounts later… I think…

It’s my theory anyway.

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Make sense!

Not a wild theory.

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on the other hand, it’s cheaper. Since you won’t need as many weapons as before.

you will need much less weapons with germany. you will need not so much less with ru and usa. you will need the exact amount of weapons with japan. yet the price is standarized.


Still cheaper. Here’s a quick example:
Let’s say you want to play every German campaign right now, and for for simplicity’s sake let’s say you want to bring 2 rifle squads and an engineer squad, and equip each soldier with at least a semi auto rifle, a Gewehr 41/43.

In Moscow: You’d need 24 Gewehr 41s.
In Tunisia: You’d also need 24 Gewehr 41s.
In Stalingrad: You’d need another 24 Gewehrs 41’s.
In Normandy: You’d need 24 Gewehrs 43’s.
And in Berlin: You’d need to buy another 24 Gewehrs 43’s.
So to equip all these squads in all 5 campaigns, you’d have to buy 120 rifles.
After the merge you’d need 24, maybe 40 at best, so overall it is significantly cheaper than the old system.


Yet, Japan has at best two brs.

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