The Enlisted Silver earning is too low

intentional dev design. it is too keep you frustrated so you buy premium/battle pass and increase silver earnings.

you know that we pretty much got exact copy of premerge economy just with unified resources instead of divided resources? they had 3 years of time to gather data and improve economy.

what do you mean by current? cause it was always pretty bad.

i do not agree with that. we might have the same numerical income, didnt bothered to make the numbers and i take your opinion at face value, but in no way you can convince me we have the same numerical expenses, and especially the new players expense and income balance.
if we have the exact income, but increased expense, the economy taken as a whole is completely different.

the “you dont have to buy 30 g43s now” ship left the harbor long ago, after being completely debunked.

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it is pretty much carbon copy of old economy with few changes. it is only that the problems of old economy are much more visible with silver income.

and do you know what those changes are?

  • you pay more upfront for weapon, but pay less for upgrade netting you about same price for fully upgraded weapon (and into this price i take account RNG lottery for upgraded weapons)
  • you pay for fully upgraded soldier upfront vs cheap random level soldier+upgrades before merge. idk exact numbers for rng lottery for soldiers, but i suspect that price after merge is slightly higher. also it makes getting max stat soldier impossible which is clear demerit for players
  • you pay for vehicles. yeah that was shitty decisions from devs and clear demerit for new economy.

so overall income is same, prices for fully upgraded weapons and soldiers are the same and only clear negative change is paying for vehicles.
here is some data:
for silver weapon order you needed 25k xp
for silver soldier order you needed 50k xp
you earn 5 silver for 47xp
for 25k xp you earn ~2660 silver.

i can not consider that having to pay around 15k from tier3 upwards on each and all, ALL vehicles, whether you want to use it or not it doesnt matter cause you HAVE to forcibly pay to get the next one, when before they were free, an improvement, and a reduce in expense.

i can not consider the removal of rng stars to be on par with the math calculations given. we were never, EVER, given the rate of chance for 3, 4, 5 or 6 star items being pulled directly via gacha rng. so, its a matter of perception, and educated assumptions. in my experience if you spend 10 silver coins on tier IV soldiers, before you usually get 5 or 6 2 stars, couple 3 stars, and one or two 4-5 soldiers. you sold the rest, kept the good ones, and move on.
now, with 10 silver orders translated to silver coins, you can not even buy ONE tier IV soldier, let alone 10 of them to roll the gacha.
even if you spend 10x silver orders worth, meaning 110k silvers, you get 10 1 star soldiers. with the same rng on stats as before.

not even getting into the reroll for good perk points into account, given it is more of a richer layer to play with that system, but how much a reroll for perks costed before? 1 silver order. with the added chance of besides getting perfect stats on pull, the added extra rng stats that could net you a more starred soldier. now? well, just another soldier worth, 11k, with no chance of it being any higher than 1 star.

given the increase number of players in matches, the income of non-top players have plunged, since more players on your side equals more spread kills among the team, equals less silver income.

IT DOES NOT MATTER if the silver per XP remains the same, if the average get less XP per match by definition of the way XP is earned. (meaning, kills and vehicle kills are the most profitable)

there are much more instances where expenses have skyrocketed, but with these i think it could suffice to say we do NOT have the same economy.

and with that, i rest my case, your honour!

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If anyone tries to defend the system try Deleting your account and restarting without premium and see how well you do without all that benefits


oh, i didnt even wanted to touch the premium vs non premium issue, it is a matter too sensitive, given i only had paid premium for 1 day in my entire career, in order to buy some extra slots. oh that premium day, what fond memories i made. and what absurdly different it was to f2p playing.

even the most experienced veteran killing the entire enemy army with 1 single bullet would be shocked if they try the f2p experience for a while and see the end match earning screen.

not to even look at that poor fella testing the game to see if it suits him. maybe he could make 250-300 silver on his first couple rodeos? and seeing the costs of anything? 10 battles to buy a tier 1 soldier, to be able to actually cycle his soldiers and not be stuck with standard squad as they come from the box?


I know the pain considering I’ve already had to make two accounts already is an F2P I’m just lucky I did it before the merge happened

i dont think he is trying to defend the system, he is usually very critical with it, but he seems to be falling into the psychological trap of “the silver income per XP is the same, therefore silver income per match is the same” when in actuality the XP income itself have changed.

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you are right about this but still doesn’t justify the increase in initial buying prices of guns and soldiers, especially random perk soldier , it doesn’t matter they removed upgrade or reduced it by 3k (69 * 200 VS 9900) as long as somebody especially a new player cant buy it it will be useless especially if you need a perfect tier 3 or 4 or even 2

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The new players are getting the short end of the stick here and I would not want to delete my account and restart over again

like i said this is clear demerit.

this was my calculation before they changed prices

after changing price cost of fully upgraded +6 weapon is 13000 silver. with RNG chances that i have given price would be 13.7k for fully upgraded weapon. unless those RNG chances are significantly higher (i doubt they are) than according to my calculation price of the weapon is probably about same before and after merge.


cant really comment on RNG chances for soldiers cause i dont have data, but upgrade costs to lvl2 and lvl3 were rather cheap before merge and didnt significantly increase price. bulk of the soldier upgrade cost was usually lvl5 with iirc 72 bronze soldier orders for t3 and t4 soldiers and if you include silver soldier order that would be 8200 silver in new economy. even if all soldiers came as level 3 you would pay ~8800 silver which is basically price of t3 soldier (only few campaigns even had assaulters 4 before merge) upgrade from lvl 2 to lvl5 was 9400 silver IIRC.

also did you notice that selling soldiers gives you significantly more money? before after you spent 1 silver soldier order you would get few bronze orders for lower level soldiers. now you get 90-95% of your silver back.

reroll is now ~10% more expensive for t4 soldiers, but much cheaper for all other soldiers.

considering that only t4 class is assaulters, affected stuff is relatively minimal compared to previous economy.

well i only somewhat agree with this. income of people who were top tier and bot farming has certainly dropped, but income of newbies and people who were farmed has increased relative to premerge status.

calling both economies bad isnt defending the system. except vehicle cost everything is pretty much the same.

the top performers (not me, so i cant personally comment) seem to still have a good silver flow. i seen people complain because they “only” earned 4,500 silver in a match. i cried a little while reading that, i reckon.

the mid/low performers, on the other hand, are having LESS income than before, cause given the amount of silver to be earned per match is fixed (you can only kill so many enemies, they are not infinite and therefore it is a limited resource), top still top by far, extreme differences have not disappeared specially in situations of tank, bomber or paratrooper spam in rotation.

but cmon, i dont think you could defend that “A, B and C have risen in price, D, E, and F stood more or less the same, so the economy is still the same”, on hindsight it seems like a fallacy dont it?

my personal opinion, is that the economy we have NOW is worse than the one we had BEFORE, for the average user. and specially, which is sad to say, to the new players we so desperately need to attract to keep the game viable.

that is why i said that i somewhat agree. before i could easily farm newbies/bots for loads of xp and now i have to fight good players on enemy and my team for kills.

not really. before merge i was top in over 90% of the matches in most campaigns. now i vary between top and mid depending on the match.

you wont be getting opposition from me if you want to buff economy cause both economies were bad.

System is ok :laughing:


I could buy more silvers if I want to. Completely unrelated thing.

but I didn’t buy it, it’s all from my gaming. :sunglasses:

No, you either bought it or just sold pre-merge soldiers (or you juar had way too many orders from pre-merge, doesn’t really matter)

You definitely haven’t obtained so many silvers by regularly playing the game after merge dropped.

I have received 14 million after conversion. I spent 1 million and then got it back for playing in January. I get 3k silver per game and play 10 times a day. This works out to 1 million per month. You can also get silver from the battle pass.


That’s what I thought :slight_smile: so your first post was completely meaningless.
I guess you were just trying to show off.

There’s quite difference between 14mil and 1 mil. And 1 mil means you are playing 333 battles per month if your average income is 3k.
Which I highly doubt, screenshots of 2 out of 333 matches really aren’t solid evidence, lmao. Especially since you obtained only 2500 on 1 screen.

Btw. Most people definitely don’t have enough time to play 330+ matches per month.

The fact that you’re a nolifer doesn’t change anything about current income policy not being enough for most players.


to contextualize what 10 battles per day means… it is ~3-4 hours of gameplay every day.

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