Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted


But… it is usable. I just drove it.
Well, ok then. Two T-50s.

That’s not what I see man. I see a dev team that delayed this update repeatedly and put it through 4 different test periods in order to fix issues and account for player feedback. Not to mention that the move was risky to begin with, and they’re doing it to address long-standing player concerns, whereas they could have left the game as bot-farming indefinitely and a lot of people would have kept playing it and buying premium packages regardless. They’re doing this cuz they care about the game and are trying to deliver a quality experience. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect but if you don’t like it, you don’t have to play it. Respect isn’t conditional, it’s something people are just entitled to.

BR2 is throwing me into Stalingrad and Tunisia constantly and Moscow sometimes.

What level is Moscow exactly?

I disagree, it’s absolutely reasonable, but may need some extra quirks to work properly in-game.

  1. A veteran may seal club newbies anyway, so your argument does not stand. Matches must be balanced by skill, squad capabilities and team loadout, not just by some bshit-rating. If you put 2 newbies and 8 bot squads against 2x4 veterans, don’t be surprised. With the current system there will be AP mines, explosives, impact grenades, grenade launchers, arty strike, airstrike, grey zone tanks and AT-guns/machine gun nests, precise bombs, barbwires and sandbags blocking AI path all around, immediately located and AP-mined rally points and pain, pain, pain. On BR2.

  2. A single fedorov per player (not per squad) will not make that big difference if it’s limited in other ways, just some stupid ideas:

  • when you lose the soldier with the weapon, none of your squad/teammates are allowed to pick it up (perhaps only the enemy which would be an unrealistic mechanism just for gameplay balance)
  • add a voluntary “no suitable ammo in ammo box/pouch” lock option to the weapon in the squad setup to make it possible to bring my single BR3 PPD with drum mag back to BR2 so I don’t need to desert Stalingrad if I want to play Moscow just the way I played it before.
  • weapon overheats and gets unusable for a minute after (second?) full set of ammo spent in one sided matches
  1. Unique or overpowered weapons’ BR cost skyrocket so second or third special gun (regardless of type) will bring you to BR5 on player level, not on squad level.

I know some of these might be not the best ideas, but one of my engineers equipped with an SVT that was heavily used in Operation Barbarossa (and not much afterwards) is definitely not bringing Doom IDDQD to Moscow in a squad with bolt actions otherwise, opposing flame thrower tanks and selectively killing bombs in the Monastery… (That was a game that will haunt me for a while. :slight_smile: )

I really don’t understand the basic idea that BR is calculated per weapon, and not per player. I’d use a META-BR, calculation based on whether you have and use radiomen, paratroopers and such.


difference is that you are actually buying fully upgraded soldier. correct way to calculating cost of the new soldier is cost of the soldier+cost of the upgrade to lvl 5.
IIRC 1 silver soldier order= 1000 silver, while 1 bronze soldier order=100
according to their math you needed 36 bronze orders to upgrade to lvl 5 from lvl 1 and 1 silver soldier order to buy it, so overall cost is 4600 silver according to old price.

anyways here is my opinion about new currency

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As someone who reached max level in Battle of Moscow Allied side, being put up against later stage of the war campaign Axis squads with STG44’s, FG42’s, Tiger E’s/2’s is insanely unbalanced. Sure my battle rating is 5 however my infantry and vehicle squads are so antiquated it just leads to being instantly wiped out when coming across enemies.

Why didn’t they just significantly decrease the grind needed for each campaign instead of throwing them into a faction meatgrinder and hoping for the best.

The complete lack of choice for what maps you play is incredibly annoying also. I loved the smaller Battle of Moscow maps that were fast paced, now I’m stuck playing snoozefest Berlin/Stalingrad maps that lead to matches finished in <10 minutes with low scores/progress made.

The perk system for soldiers is great atleast.

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1st test was done when they had heavy grind event (i think requirement was complete 5 battles per day). also they put new MM that was contrary to everything they were telling people for whole year.
test 2-4 were basically same test. they changed almost nothing except few BR tiers.

btw did you check players feedback on those tests? absolutely everyone didnt want 2 queue MM

i am for merge and consider it necessary. ffs i was one of the biggest voice on forum for merge. but this is just shitshow in how they implemented it. like i said read long post that i linked before on how devs made this shitshow.


Matchmaking is working like a charm…



Seems like 4 stack.

Also 7:

And this one is really important.

LOCK BR3 TO 2,3,4. Leave my poor BR1 alone.

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this is casual game, not competitive one. it is perfectly ok to be matched with varied skill level.
any kind of SBMM is terrible idea cause it would make the game sweatfest (also you wouldnt have enough people for SBMM).

game was HE spam fest way before. merge was implemented badly cause lot of problems that it should have solved it doesnt in current implementation. they have received extensive feedback on every nugget of information that they provided, just problem is that they didnt put much specific information out there.

it was discussed multiple times on forum. i know that i abused my breda carcano in tunisia for my recent axis grind. equipped it on regular riflemen, when he died picked it up with engineer, when he died picked it up with whatever soldier has been left. if i had soldiers left i would pickup second trash weapon first before picking up breda carcano in primary weapon slot so it drops after death. also i would have ammo box somewhere near to resupply ammo.
this is something that will become standard if you allow high tier veteran to bring his OP weapon in low tier battles. and limiting picked up weapons is even worse idea.

0 losses tier 5 axis so far.

AS44, IS2 and soviet late war gear in '41 moscow? No.

The developers messed the good old system up. Stay in Berlin or Stalingrad. Moscow is only for Tier I - III.
Seriously this shit SUCKS.

Necessary improvements???

Personel and inventory UI is TOTAL GARBAGE !

Looks like a 4 year old kid made it, feel the same when using it… but you changed the font on the main paige, WOW!! and you hotfixed a major bug

  • Fixed incorrect position of one of the Soviet paratroopers in the airplane cabin before landing.

Who says you are slow to respond???

Don’t know how would people keep playing if you haven’t responded so quickly, crisis averted in the last second, TY DF!!!


After playing a bit, I do have a few things I would like to see:

  1. Squad Presets need to save the equipment as well if at all possible. We have the new mass unequip process so the game should be able to mass unequip, and then equip based on the preset saved. This is mainly a problem with Japan, who simply do not have the squad count to make 3 full 10 squad loaduts (one for low, one for III, and one for high br) without having to manually requip certain weapons and such.

  2. When squadding up, on the lower right where it displays your teammates that have joined up with you. Please display their equipped BR’s as well. Then, when someone select “ready” it should “lock in” their squads. In addition … adding the BR group that you will be playing on the start button would be a great addition.

  3. Change the “Join Any Team” to a Nation checkbox … Sometimes I may want to play only 2 or 3 of the factions.

  4. Add BR to the Shop’s Weapon cards so I can see them at a glance and not need to another screen. Or better yet, add a filter to the shop.

I’m sure more will come up the more I play, but these things were some of the first to show up for me.


“look at data” is exactly my kind of humor. Just because some data tells you have many % are here and there, you have to destroy the game?

It is like everywhere else in random companies: Randomly a guy walks in a meeting, opens his flip chart and says “LOOK AT THE DATA”. Then a bunch of “smart people” want to change everything bacause of the DAAAATAAAA (uuh, spooky) and the company wents bankrupt. Why: Dont touch a running system!

As I said. The stacks in each campaign always moved around and depended on events or new stuff. When the T-34 was introduced for moskow, every main russkie rushed to this campaign and it was sealclubbing as german main. Yes, I was frustrated, but got revenge in Berlin where we slapped the soviet teams so hard. Then the IS-2 came some months later and whoops, they came back. Same in normandy - I exactly remember my first match as level 1 axis with K98s and Mannlichers. We lost, but it was hard for the allies and we had fun because we slapped them hard with our level 1 equipment. Sure there are some bots, but I rarely had so many in my or in the enemy team the last months.

Long story short. I dont give a f*** about numbers or data.
Give those campaigns back! Stop this BR nonsense - it is actually WORSE then playing in a team full of bots.

Sort of agree with you, except if you say “casual game”, then the game must make it sure we’ll enjoy it. So

  • improve the bot-only matches to a level where it’s not so blatantly obvious there are no enemy players,
  • make it sure if you’re free to all then you’re not too often facing impossible odds and get wiped out with 10-15 kills per match, die-die-die-my-darling style.

So you can’t.

So you can’t refill either - no ammo for the weapon (IF you want to use it in low BR match). This is my choice, either I don’t use that weapon or agree that it’s limited in some ways to fit in that map type. (In high BR matches I would not apply this limit.)

My suggestions were specifically tailored to fix the way you played around the limits, after I read your comment somewhere else…

Arguing without arguments is the worst idea.
Can you please explain why is it worse for the game overall if you can’t pick up some special weapon your other soldier used, if in return it makes it possible to use the weapon in it’s historically correct time frame and not abuse other players’ experience? You could not pick up weapons for a year or more and Enlisted was fun, before gray zone tanks, explosives hell, FG42 and paras…

I’m absolutely okay with not picking up my cherished weapon if I can at least carry it to those battles I can’t from now on - I usually don’t do it anyways. And I’m sure an average rifleman recruit who never used a machine gun was not able to reload it in 5 seconds after first touch either.

Right now I can’t use some of the historically correct weapons at all because someone thought that instead of more complicated calculations and some extra mechanisms, easiest if we just put some stickers on the guns saying “It was in Moscow in WW2 but can’t go back to Moscow because it hurts”, and to some others “Ah it was almost never used in WW2 so lets make it one of the best guns in Berlin.”

Not for this topic but I can’t fully see the reason for making the BR the campaign selection mechanism instead of the historical appearance of some weapons, and arguing that BR will bring balance where it clearly can’t, at least not in this way. I guess these are the things that break the weapon/nonexistent map selection problems we try to go around now with these ideas.

Oh ofc it’s that Vladimir guy using most cancerous meta shit possible, even in a test server he was doing that shit 24/7. I guess others are the same.

All effort and work is welcome, but to be honest and from my point of view, it is a real disaster not to be able to choose which maps to play on (and don’t tell me: “you have to choose the corresponding inventory for that period of time”, because I want to play with everything I’ve unlocked and grinded on the maps I CHOOSE".)

Added to the previous fact, we still have the lack of freedom in choosing the game mode (Invasion, destruction, etc.), I had a distant illusion that they would add the mode selection button, but, once again, disappointing.

It’s a shame because the player’s freedom of choice is significantly reduced. I really think they should have taken more time and read the players’ responses after the server tests. I don’t know, this doesn’t look good at all.