Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

why waste time importing that when they could jump straight to importing the Super Pershing.

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Yo, where did you got these statistics? Fascinating.

No, they don’t.

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They need to introduce T29 and IS-3.

You either have Heat shells or you die


Dude, not being sarcastic. You can not be fully satisfied with the result and still be respectful of the hard work the dev team has put in trying to better this game. Look at Battlefield V, which everyone loves to compare this game to, but which completely dropped dev support like one year after launch. You don’t have to agree with all of Gaijin’s choices to respect the team and appreciate the work they do. It’s called not being a toxic hole.


Can you unlock it after merge? I think It got removed or im blind. From my knowledge you get to keep it if you unlocked it but cannot anymore unlock it.

I counted on the merge to come and got F’d.

No warning, no hey, you have a month to farm or we remove this. Just cut.

Is this fair?


Dude, not being sarcastic but maybe the steel helmet sits too thight. Most of the comments are not toxic or against the dev team. Most Comments are from Enlisted Supporters Careing about the game willing spending more money in the future to let the game running und trying to give constructive criticism. I think there is nothing better for a Company then having Criticism to improve instead of people leaving quite and stop supporting the game. We all know the dev team put some work on this update, but at the end of the day it should be okay to say that there need to be alot of more improvement to make it enoyable.


I don’t remember what was conversion rate for silver orders but it definitely wasn’t 3000.

Nothing wrong with criticizing or suggesting fixes - I’ve suggested plenty - but the difference between toxic and not toxic is being able to treat people respectfully. The way people on these forums feel comfortable hiding behind anonymous photos and pseudonyms and just dishing shit on the devs all day for tirelessly working on a game those same commentators are clearly invested in and benefit from is straight up cowardly, not to mention childish.

That’s not true.

Soldiers are just way more expensive than before (because there’s no longer upgrade system for them, meaning you don’t need to pay for stars)

my question is: when can we expect the rollback ?


Never, deal with it.


Could you move the A.C.1 down to Tier II instead of III as it really really suffers in uptiers, like you can barely do anything with it… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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be respectful to devs, who after receiving overwhelmingly negative feedback about current state of the game on test server, still forced this update? nah that was devs being disrespectful to us players.

after year of shit communication and vague info about merge, there were lots of ideas thrown to devs about how to make this merge better. idea was controversial in itself, but what is worse is how they implemented it.

if you want longer version of why people are unsatisfied go here:

i am rather direct. if i see stupid stuff being done i call upon it. i dont sugarcoat it.

there is big difference between pay once game (with micro transactions that they received 5 months after release) and live service game.



But… it is usable. I just drove it.
Well, ok then. Two T-50s.

That’s not what I see man. I see a dev team that delayed this update repeatedly and put it through 4 different test periods in order to fix issues and account for player feedback. Not to mention that the move was risky to begin with, and they’re doing it to address long-standing player concerns, whereas they could have left the game as bot-farming indefinitely and a lot of people would have kept playing it and buying premium packages regardless. They’re doing this cuz they care about the game and are trying to deliver a quality experience. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect but if you don’t like it, you don’t have to play it. Respect isn’t conditional, it’s something people are just entitled to.

BR2 is throwing me into Stalingrad and Tunisia constantly and Moscow sometimes.

What level is Moscow exactly?

I disagree, it’s absolutely reasonable, but may need some extra quirks to work properly in-game.

  1. A veteran may seal club newbies anyway, so your argument does not stand. Matches must be balanced by skill, squad capabilities and team loadout, not just by some bshit-rating. If you put 2 newbies and 8 bot squads against 2x4 veterans, don’t be surprised. With the current system there will be AP mines, explosives, impact grenades, grenade launchers, arty strike, airstrike, grey zone tanks and AT-guns/machine gun nests, precise bombs, barbwires and sandbags blocking AI path all around, immediately located and AP-mined rally points and pain, pain, pain. On BR2.

  2. A single fedorov per player (not per squad) will not make that big difference if it’s limited in other ways, just some stupid ideas:

  • when you lose the soldier with the weapon, none of your squad/teammates are allowed to pick it up (perhaps only the enemy which would be an unrealistic mechanism just for gameplay balance)
  • add a voluntary “no suitable ammo in ammo box/pouch” lock option to the weapon in the squad setup to make it possible to bring my single BR3 PPD with drum mag back to BR2 so I don’t need to desert Stalingrad if I want to play Moscow just the way I played it before.
  • weapon overheats and gets unusable for a minute after (second?) full set of ammo spent in one sided matches
  1. Unique or overpowered weapons’ BR cost skyrocket so second or third special gun (regardless of type) will bring you to BR5 on player level, not on squad level.

I know some of these might be not the best ideas, but one of my engineers equipped with an SVT that was heavily used in Operation Barbarossa (and not much afterwards) is definitely not bringing Doom IDDQD to Moscow in a squad with bolt actions otherwise, opposing flame thrower tanks and selectively killing bombs in the Monastery… (That was a game that will haunt me for a while. :slight_smile: )

I really don’t understand the basic idea that BR is calculated per weapon, and not per player. I’d use a META-BR, calculation based on whether you have and use radiomen, paratroopers and such.