New currency

Keo said before, nothing like that is planned.


Is there a specific reason the currency is so inflated?

Why 100 coins and not 1, for example?

I think robihr means the chance to get max or nearly maxed weapons in the current system makes it cheaper.


you are looking at the point of stock weapon to +3. when you include that you have pretty good chance of getting +1, +2 or +3 weapon actual price changes.
i will use -40% prices and in silver

t3 weapon before was 1500 silver. lets say that you had 70% chance of getting stock weapon, 15% chance of getting +1, 10% chance of getting +2 and 5% chance of getting +3.
actual average upgrade price would be 70%*13800+15%*11800+10%*7800=12210
if you include 1500 silver, +6 weapon would cost you 13710 silver. in new version cost of +6 will always cost you 14990 silver thus making new weapons more expensive.

cause idk their RNG values that is why i asked for average cost based on those values and not upgrading from stock to max value.


I have a theory on this.

I think it’s to make future currency gains easier to calculate.

A bigger number allows for less needed decimals, for example:

1000 xp = 1000 silver new currency.


1000xp = 10 silver new currency.

What if…

I earn 950 xp?

With the first scenario I’d just get 950 silver.

With the second I’d get… 9.5? What about the other 0.5?

So yeah I think it’s why they created bigger numbers. Should be easier to get precise currency amounts later… I think…

It’s my theory anyway.

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Make sense!

Not a wild theory.

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on the other hand, it’s cheaper. Since you won’t need as many weapons as before.

you will need much less weapons with germany. you will need not so much less with ru and usa. you will need the exact amount of weapons with japan. yet the price is standarized.


Still cheaper. Here’s a quick example:
Let’s say you want to play every German campaign right now, and for for simplicity’s sake let’s say you want to bring 2 rifle squads and an engineer squad, and equip each soldier with at least a semi auto rifle, a Gewehr 41/43.

In Moscow: You’d need 24 Gewehr 41s.
In Tunisia: You’d also need 24 Gewehr 41s.
In Stalingrad: You’d need another 24 Gewehrs 41’s.
In Normandy: You’d need 24 Gewehrs 43’s.
And in Berlin: You’d need to buy another 24 Gewehrs 43’s.
So to equip all these squads in all 5 campaigns, you’d have to buy 120 rifles.
After the merge you’d need 24, maybe 40 at best, so overall it is significantly cheaper than the old system.


Yet, Japan has at best two brs.

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I’m just speculating, but it would probably be easier to award cash, as there would be less amount loss, with a more precise amount.

But I could be 100% wrong…

I’m just waiting for the real xp vs currency drop rates to know if I like the new system or not.

General conversion of current orders to currency seems ok at a first glance.

makes no difference. to equip 2 assault squads in japan now, you need 8 smgs. to gear 2 assault squads in japan with the exact same smg as begore, you need 8 smgs. same amount of smgs, more expensive.

well yes and no…

if you include cost of equipping 120 rifles, then yes it is cheaper. but you forget that you would also need to grind all those campaign levels and you would need years of playing before you could actually get to the level of equipping squads in 5 campaign level.

but if you on other hand look at it from 1 campaign perspective then it is not cheaper.

I guess MP28 is same as StG because in Japan it doesnt matter since all of them are licensed MP28

also, as you can see in all helpers and community manager posts, its always the most expensive example. havent seen the examples applied to usa with 3 armies, or jap with only 1.

Still way better than the current form. Currently some campaign are full of players and some campaign have little players. Merge will improve the current situation of uneven player base between campaigns.

Moreover, BR system will fixed the number of split. If you keep adding campaigns like now, you will be splitting the player base more and more.


yes it will fix big disparity in human players in most campaigns. just look at these numbers for campaigns

they move from somewhat balanced to >100% difference depending on time of day and campaign. from what they announced about new MM these kind of situations wont happen anymore. even though playerbase will be split into BR, MM should be flexible and will include other BR if there are not enough players. also i hope that join any bonus they announced will also fix part of the problem.


There are 5 Germans in the entire campaign. They will be merged to form one army. So even if the cost of buying equipment is higher, it will be cheaper than giving Gew41 to the Germans in all campaigns.
I don’t understand … why you have to explain it that way?
For someone who originally played only one campaign, it would just be a price increase.


My only suggestion is RELEASE IT ALREADY!


one of few improving changes , just late a bit

noone choose to play a single campaign with japan. it is the only way to play japan army. are jap players paying the price increase just because? does noone really play japan and dont give a fk about them?

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