New currency

Defend Darkflow all you want might as well defend War Thunder with all its problems all you want still thinking merge is some wonder solution to fix all problem. Okay I play Berlin 24/7 depending on how is this going to be executed since my favorite guns and vehicles are going to be high tier anyway.

MM flexible? Its called uptier and downtier get ready to see some equipment in an awkward position like tanks dominate in a downtier but absolute garbage on a full uptier.

No issues on the currency one but no clear word how to treat existing armies like top level Moscow, top level Stalingrad and top tier Berlin. Could potentially be annoying to work on every squad and have to put most veterans on reserve or worse.

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I assume that some weapons that are currently 3 silver weapon orders like the OVP will get reassigned in price, so it won’t be 5,000 coins. Right?

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Can I sell my unwanted vehicle?

My guess it’s going to be released (merge + new currency) with the new Battle Pass, at this point it would not make any sense to release it earlier than BP end since they have to adjust BP rewards aswell. We can’t have bronze/silver orders in BP anymore after the changes.


Don’t think so, but let’s wait for test server and see с:

this is not defending DF. this is just pure math. game is shit for side that gets half the human players the other side has. i agree that BR MM is not wonder solution to fix all problem, but it will put game in much better situation than now.

and if this game was pure tank game, your argument may even make some sense. ffs there are lots of games where tiers were well done. just look at WoWS, most ships there can easily fight +1 or +2 opponents. certainly they are at some disadvantage, but it isnt crippling.
btw to turn the your argument against you… how do you think players that are in stuart feel when they go against tiger now? instead of +1 or +2 opponent that they can fight, they get +8 opponent in front which they are powerless.


You sound awfully confident in what the game is going to be for someone who’s just guessing and ree-ing


So… What i read between the lines is … and correct me if i am wrong … we will have like 3 BRs after merge?
so instead of 12 queues (6 campaigns times 2 armies), we will have 12 queues (3 BRs times 4 armies)…

so i see TovarishToNy’s point with up- and downtiering …
won’t we be better off if we went with “axis vs allies” after all?
6 queues instead of 12 …
and new armies would be back in the realm of possibility, cause they would not increase number of queues.

i know i know … historical accuracy will be finally completely out the window … shrug
maybe HA battles would find a home in an (improved) custom environment with maybe pve options or more xp … i don’t know …

i’m just throwing out my thoughts … :wink:



Many different BR, probably with decimals (like war thunder) 1,5 for example.

I meant 3 earlier, as roughly low, mid and high br. Those might include many BR ranges.

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With the way Gaijin does things, I don’t trust them on coming up with a tier system considering their track record that they sure love to compress certain BRs to the point that we can see 1950s tank fight something from the 1980s. BR compression is one of the problems in War Thunder putting certain BR ranges or vehicles in awkward position with one of the most extreme cases being the 76mm Jumbo facing 7.3 because it was 6.3 despite there are 5.7 vehicles that can deal with them. I still remember the infamous scout matchmaking from WoT with an A-20 can face a tier 8 vehicle.

Since this is is a combined arms game, its the players fault for mindless spamming starter tanks against a top tier vehicle when they could just stick to infantry, build rally points on the flank and places where a tank couldn’t do anything or could easily get outflanked. Even in a grey zone still couldn’t do much on certain maps.

BRs in War Thunder be like 6.0, 6.3, 6.7, 7.0 for example but no middle point.

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well not exactly.

now we have 6 queues for match (that match 2 different sides with humans and bots). after merge we will get 3 match queues that will match 4 armies (germans vs usa, germans vs soviets and japan vs usa). BR ranks should be variable depending on the number of players currently in queue. so in off peak it may be 1 or 2 BR MM subqueues per match queue(idk if there are any hard limits to ±MM) and in peak hours it could be 10 BR subqueues.

advantage of this system is that you will always have 3 match queues (unless they add new matchup like soviets vs japan, or china vs japan) even when they add new campaigns and number of sub BR queues depending on the playerbase. in old system with every new campaign added you would get another match queue.

well this is mostly context behind their posts. exact BR mechanic is currently unknown.

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Yes, it’s what I said.

I only clarified for the other guy what I meant by low, mid high BR. Might sound like there’s just 3, but those are in fact ranges.

I hope we will have much better preset options than we do now…

i will give them benefit of the doubt until they prove it otherwise.

well many people didnt play WT and they dont know that you cant pen tiger with stuart. in their mind it is perfectly reasonable that counter to tank is another tank. also idk why you are talking about rally points when 90% of the playerbase doesnt even know how to build them.

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But … MANY different BR would also mean EVEN MORE queues … would that not be counter-intuitive?

Pathetic XD i have 1596 bronze for soldiers but 344 silver

a queue is always two sided, thats why i said 12 … i mean tunisia queue is always full … with allied players … and berlin with axis …

but i put it that way … right now you can click “start” with one of 12 armies … after merge it will be even more possibilities when there will be even more BRs then 3 …

thats why i was thinking about making battles “axis vs allies” … that would cut down the number of queues effectively …

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So my impression is that once we buy the tank, we can use it whenever? Someone on Youtube was under the impression that we have to pay per spawn but that’s not my reading of it.

Yes, you just have to purchase the vehicle, you won’t have to pay each time you spawn it.


Not necessarily.

A vehicle BR, say 1.0, could face another vehicle 2.0, and anything in-between. Or the range could be higher. Or lower.

We cannot guess those ranges yet, because equipment BR isn’t yet revealed.

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