New currency

Well, there are already prices where there is only one zero at the end:

Besides, if any multipliers are applied (discounts, sell price multipliers, percentage bonuses etc.) it is better to have 2-3 extra zeroes in order not to round a price or a payout by a big part of the initial values. Losing/gaining 1 credit out of a 1000 in the process of rounding is less unfair that losing/gaining 1 out of the initial 5 or 10.

I still dont understand. Why is it:

instead of:


All these zeros are very suspicious :man_detective: :man_detective: :man_detective:

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it’s called simplifcation.

dunno if you are new to the concept but.

you would just have to look only at one number instead of 3. and then having to make some math to calculate the exchanges.

now, you can do that relatively easy.

suspicious only for you to be honest.

as, 200 instead 2 would somewhat spare the confusion with enlisted gold due possibly becoming being similar

hence, those are not relatives and has been simply converted to a higher number.

based on what?

i swear, you truly are trying to speed run every non possible problem and somehow make them into one.


You like doing math at thousands or even millions length?
Look at this
Most of things gains and cost tens of thousands of this. And not always with some 000 at end. You have to calculate precisely to the end.
Your math must be very good right?


I don’t understand some of y’all that go “Oh no! The game is turning into War Thunder!”

Uh no it’s not, What was War Thunder’s big issue that caused an uproar was the repair cost debacle that practically make you progress backwards while playing if you aren’t performing well enough.
And that on some vehicles the repair cost is just seemingly arbitrarily high (there was a reason why, and I agree it was stupid, but let’s not get into that)

As it stands, There is no mention of repair cost/upkeep/resupply cost with the new system whatsoever, it is largely some backend cost rebalancing - Thus By playing there is NO WAY of losing or progressing backwards so to speak.

I dont think Enlisted is so competitive that DF can milk every possible drop out of players.
WT is just a joke as for game economy.
I’m playing IL2 BOS now.

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well, doing math is what i get paid for.

so… this ain’t really nothing over business costs and generally comissions and what not.

but if you struggle that much,

grabbing a paper and calculator i heard it usually helps alot of people.

you don’t have those where you live?

fairly sure major computer system has calculators included.

So. i honestly don’t see your problems.

but, let’s make an example.

you want to buy 4 stgs and 3 troopers?

.> check the prices
.> add up the total cost of the items that you need
.> use your total money and subtract with the total value of the items that you need.


is it… really that hard?

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Please tell us you will remove the random skillpoint differences between soldiers of the same class.
Now we can roll each soldier for one silver order and check if we got max status, then send him back if the stats are not optimal and ot does not hurt that much, but when the update comes, the cost of rolling multiple random soldiers will be multiplied to a devastating level, if we will still have to count on luck when it comes to optimal stats.

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I have to honestly say that it seems like a pretty solid system. My only question is

does this refer to like rifleman 1, 2, 3, etc? or does it refer to the level at which they start out?

I ask because I heard somewhere that you were going to remove the current system splitting up the types like I just asked about. Instead replacing them with just one lump group of riflemen (or whatever type it may be).

So Idk if I misread that or not.

Essentially, we would no longer be able to upgrade a soldier, only get a new one of that type?

If this is the case, I would suggest NOT making it this way. I like the idea of being able to buy it at the level that you want, but in many cases I would just prefer to upgrade my soldiers rather than have to get entirely new soldiers when I wanted an upgrade (and I’m pretty sure most people feel the same).

The biggest problem with doing it the way you are suggesting is if I have a soldier that I have built up at a lvl 3, and he has all the perks I want, I can no longer take him up further levels to get more. Instead, I would be forced to start over from scratch on an entirely new character and begin the slow grind to get those exact same perks back, in addition to the new ones, without being able to use the ones I worked hard to get in the first place.

Please make note of this and adjust accordingly @James_Grove

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That seems like an incredible system, in theory!!!

then the practical reality comes in and kicks you in the groin.

right now, we have 6 campaigns. for 4 armies. but the armies and the number of campaigns is not the same for every side. rus side have 3 campaigns>you arm 3 armies. germany, on the other side, have 5 campaigns. you arm 5 armies. japan, on the other side, have 1 campaign. so, 1 army.
looking at it, you immediately realize some sides benefit way, way, way more from this new system than others. not having to equip for 5 campaigns is not worth the same as not having to equip for 3 campaigns, and equipping for 1 single campaign is basically the same in gear amount as before. but NOT the same in price to pay for that gear.

so, japan players are extremely fkd, while german get the lion share in savings, and rus and usa in the middle?
you dont have to equip 5 assaulter squads for japan!!! does not work. germany will save a LOT of resources, rus and usa will not so much, and japan equipping and resource costs will go much higher than now.

not to mention that, in reality, this system advantages apply ONLY if you play one single BR. think about it for a while. compare it to the one we have now. it can be compared, for easy understanding, as playing a single campaign. say, old>you play germany normandy and ONLY that. new>you play germany top BR and ONLY that. the moment you want to gear for another campaign, you need extra equipment. the moment you want to play another BR, you need extra equipment.

am i understanding this wrong? it cant be that noone noticed this, guess i made a mistake somewhere.


well planned. That and a permanent rank system would be very useful

Looks the developers want to once again monetize this game like a micro transaction or loop hole micro transaction system. EA did it and not Gajin is following suit with this concept, I’m just waiting for them to say you can “buy” silver next. Stop breaking the current system, leave it alone and direct your attention to new units, or maybe fix up the bugs. Or should I say this even more for the developers, how about give aircraft better weaponry or a 1st person control of a gunner slot in a bomber? Oh my… Wait, pie in the sky thoughts.


Yes, to the tier of the soldier, the higher the tier, higher it costs.

No, everything here stays on place.

You will, easily, just upgrade red squad tech tree to get access to next lvl of soldier.

Ok, you may want to find a way to more clearly state that then.

that is stupid… imho they should just remove that stat randomization… this is fps, not an rpg.

now couple of questions:

  1. will old lvl. 1 soldiers be automatically upgraded to lvl 5?
  2. fully upgraded soldiers/weapons will not be cheaper in new version. you had a pretty good chance to get 2, 3, 4 or 5 lvl soldier, or +1, +2 or +3 weapon. you put cost of upgrading soldier from lvl. 1 to lvl. 5 and for weapons from stock to +3. what is the average cost of fully upgraded weapons/soldiers when you include chance of getting higher level soldier/weapon? cause for me this now seems just like hidden cost increase under the guise of discount.
  3. getting max stat soldier will be stupidly expensive in new economy. before you could just buy 10-20 soldiers to get 1-2 max stat soldier and it wasnt that expensive. with new economy you would be basically buying 10-20 fully upgraded soldiers making this equal to buying 100-200 soldiers in old economy. will you remove stat randomization? or will you bring some other way to max out soldier?

also i dont like increased cost of vehicles. veterans will mostly have loads of fully upgraded vehicles, while newbies will be in bad position with buying and upgrading new vehicles.


I just spent all of my 200+ Soldier Silver Orders yesterday, hired over 200 soldiers in the Pacific, and then fired all of the soldiers I hired.
If I had seen this news yesterday, I would have been discouraged from wasting my money.

i was also thinking about that. I’m already very rich and i don’t need to buy anything else

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? Right now it’s 69 bronze orders to max out a 3 star weapon from 3 to 6 with the discount, after the merge it will be equivalent to 50 bronze orders. Even just the last upgrade is cheaper, it costs 5490 silver with the discount, which is equivalent to 28 bronze. Right now it’s 39.

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Just to confirm there is no vehicle repair cost or something to pay in case of death?


I have said myself regarding the BR system with the constant uptiers because of certain popular BRs being one of the biggest issues in War Thunder. Still some people think merge is going to fix splitting of the playerbase but Im gonna say it again that the BR system is going to split the playerbase in a different form.