Making Enlisted a Better Place №49 (for the Entities.blk authors)

one word: bipods


As far as ammo boxes are, I kinda liked when they went empty, and as an engineer I would deconstruct them to replenish a construction point. Good job on the modding update though. Glad to see that.

The only downside is that’s a mod right? Those of us on xbox don’t have access to those…


I think you should be able to.

I have some console players in friends list who play custom game modes~

Console players not yet be able to build their own modded game rooms though.

But console players can enter already established rooms.

Maybe I’ll add you as a friend and invite you when playing~


So, I mentioning something unrelated to the content of the video, there is a user name shown on killlog that says “台湾は日本に返還すべき(Taiwan should be returned to Japan)”.
This is inappropriate and Darkflow should take action to have this user’s name changed…

Since the games started allowing 2-byte characters, we have found several inappropriate usernames written in Chinese and Japanese. I have reported each time, but Darkflow never takes any action.
The reason why I think they are not doing their job is because every time I see an inappropriate user, I add them to my “block list” but their name remains on my list.
If they can’t check the content of 2 byte characters, they should not have allowed 2 byte characters in their names.

In short and without many examples...

In userGameMods you can find your mod folder.
You will need to create there text file and then edit file type to blk. Or copy and paste scene.blk file and clean code (press CTRL+A in keyboard and then remove/delete all selected code).

Entities.blk contains code similar to Scene.blk. But starts with template/entity names.
New entity example:





It’s looks like same as MP40, but have higher fire rate and alterative fire mode!

A bit more info about structure.

  • It starts with entity name (custom_mp_40_gun).

  • All entity have their body which is opens with { and closes with }.

  • If you want to add info from another entity to your custom then you need to add _extends:t= and then write entity name. In example i used code from mp40 entities.

  • gun__shotFreq is entity property. You can see them in editor Properties Panel menu. You can edit properties in editor and then save map. After that in scene.blk will be added code that you can copy and paste to entities.blk.

  • :t= is property data type. It can be: i (integer), r (real), t (text), b (bool), c (color), p2, p3, p4 and some others. If you wrote incorrect data type then property may not work or cause crash.
    In Properties Panel you able see what data types uses in properties.
    Keep in mind that c in panel will looks like p4, but if it affect to color then it’s will be c.

  • :array and :object are a bit more complex data types that contains other data types. They have a separate body. If array in Properties Panel don’t let you select data types and instantly creates new properties lines then it in code will be looks like list<t> instead array.

  • If you want to update entity that already in game then add _override:b=yes.


Thanks for the information

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and surprisingly they are hackers or bots too,but if you say it loudly you get a racist tag…I know not all of them who use it,are but a lot of who I find where too suspicious…

Sorry to ask stupid question, so does that mean modders can limit types of squads, can change load outs to pure HA? Can do earn XP to spawn vehicles as well as import new models (already in files) into customs?

I presume it a good news either way, just so long as someone copies what we have now in regards to campaigns and troops and amour and I can earn XP post merge I’ll be very happy.

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in theory i guess, although:

classic enlisted

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Will there be documentation in how to import custom assets to the game? If we were, for example, to import assets from CRSED into Enlisted - would this be relatively straight forward as they run of the same engine?

Many thanks!

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Is there any chance you have a discord I could contact regarding some questions you may have answers to? Your insight is very helpful!!

Many thanks,

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Probably currently time we can’t use custom textures, models/animchars and sounds. Can’t link to these files. But maybe I just don’t know something.

I’m not sure, but I’ll answer to your questions.
I can’t find you in the Enlisted official discord server, so I’ll write here.
In forum private messages.

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i think you can put a score " locker " on squads, where you need to score a certain ammount of point before you can use that squad/vehicle.

and i believe @tommyZZM used it in his mode ( or, i could be wrong. ) but in the featured " Path of Glory " ( @schyrikami ww1 mod featured last week ) there’s a working example.

and yes, they can now force loadouts onto people. but, they will still have to make those.

perhaps i’ll make custom profiles for people to use. but the problem that i suspect we’ll encounter, will be that the merge will most likely change faction and soldiers name ids. so i’m waiting for merge before i’ll do anything.

although, yeah. people can make HA loadouts for the time being and there’s a good thread for those who are interested:

no. we cannot upload custom files, nor earn xp by playing mods. or change how xps works. that goes beyond our powers ( otherwise people would just spawn 3000 bots and nuke them repetetively with bombs and farm levels )

hence, devs deactivated xp gains.

most likely, this won’t change.

you will need at least 10 players to earn somewhat like regular matches in custom games ( AND NOT IN MODS ).

unless it’s a featured event.

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No, I still can’t do this for my mod.

Because the bigAction game mode is base on players own squads, instead of the presetones

The personalSpawnScore seems cannot be set for the squad in the player’s own Profile yet?

Maybe I missed something?

If anyone knows how to set the personalSpawnScore for players own squad, please tell me how to do it?

I really need this feature too!

I refuse to use any preset custom squad profile.

I use player-set squads so that each player can have their own unique squad configuration.

Each player’s own choice of weapons, unique clothing and vehicle appearances, and more.

This is part of the main functionality of the game.


you … see your own contradiction?

you’re okey with what people bring, yet want to limit their usage.

custom profiles as much you despise them, those are the only thing that can assure Historical loadouts.

the premise of Widow’s Question.

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What? I hope all kinds of things are used regularly in order and not abused.

Why can’t I use my own stuff?

I choose ba-11 which costs less points. While my teammates chose the IS-2 it cost higher points.

Thanks to the score, all types of vehicles can appear in battle at the same time.

This kind of HA is the narrative aspect of the game.

10 T-34s against 1 Tiger King.

Haven’t we discussed this issue before? Why do you have question here again?

And this is part of the main content of the game, I want the advanced vehicles and squads I purchased to become part of the HA game. Instead of completely replacing the default profile in my module with my own profile.

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you’re reading things that aren’t there to begin with.

i have no questions, and nothing to discuss.

you should perhaps aknowledge that there are different ways to achieve different things.

and your mod is everything but HA. ( which is fine. but don’t claim it is one ? when in reality it is not? )

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I don’t understand what you seem to be targeting.

But my appeal has always been that I want to set the score of their deployed vehicles through PersonalSpawnScore for each player’s profile who enters the game.

Rather than some players frantically using suicide planes to freely hit the ground.

I allow them to use P-47s or Ju-188s, rather than ban them, but they should spend their own points deploying them.

I don’t see the contradiction in what you claim. This seems to be provoking some kind of dispute

i noticed

well, that’s good for you.

but that doesn’t mean that everyone else wants that.

no… i simply answered window’s questions.