Either lock Rzhev to low BR or rename it to something generic

like guadalcanal is history with ho ri, m2 carbine, type hei, type otsu, jumbo and pershing, stalingrad with KT2, panthers, fedorovs, AS-44, volkssturm weapons, moscow with pz4 f2, volkssturm weapons, fedorovs etc.

i could write about all “history” in this game pre merge and post merge, but it is simply too much work. if anything devs have been rather consistent about putting ww2 weapons (and prototypes) in ww2 game and not caring about what weapon are on what battlefield.


Everything you are listing was added with some kind of (often brain-dead) justification, or existed before the merge.

Now with the merge and BRs in place there is zero reason to conciously add a map with a historical name but majorly screw it up.

I doubt you’d be less excited to use your ASs and RPD on a “Belarus” or Vehzr map.

images (27)

It’s time to let go. To let it rest.

Let go, buddy.

Let go.

(Viva la dirt league)


i did not came here to dogpile on veekay about his colorful and radical views.
( which by the way, i can get behind and understand where is coming from )

but… at the same time, can’t really blain him. especially since the equipment selector is still not in sight.

i, instead, am glad about this battle coming to enlisted ( which i never knew about. i’ll admit )
because it offers good stuff ( and hopefully, new objects ) for map makers.

although, my guy, you can’t keep going on and on about old stuff that you will damn know it won’t change as we are too far deep.

and that is coming from someone who still believes in HA ( although losely, and primarily through PVEs but most definitely not in the base game )


I mean I can even understand why VS weapons are placed on low br and appear in Moscow/Tunisia.

I can even see reason when people say that Hori was needed because Japan tanks sucked majorly (even though personally I would’ve preferred something other than a wooden mockup).

But when they are adding a new map and for some reason give it a historical name (Rzhev Meatgrinder is very well known in ex-Soviet countries), I am at a loss why they put it on incorrect BRs?

The solutions are so easy

  1. Don’t add historical names, instead add vaguely named maps like BFV (Twisted Steel, Provence, Giant’s Shadow)
  2. Add universal BR 1-5 maps like Belarus, Ukraine
  3. If you want historical battles, limit them to at least not insane BRs

of course you can.

but should you?

oh… different meaning.

the reasons could be many, which we don’t necessarily have to understand or get.

maybe has been sitting there for a long time and now it’s a great time considering that ussr didn’t had a map in a long time.

maybe they still wanted to include it.

as, br III and IV are still technically around the 1943 if you really want to play that game.

as robihr already told you, makes 0 difference than king tigers in stalingrad, m2s in normandy, and so on and on.

it’s a pattern by now.
you can’t just be blissfully ignorant about it till the end of time.

i mean, you can, be my guest

that’s the thing, not many people actually wants them.

and those who wants them, are, indeed, a very tiny portion of the playerbase.

so tiny that we don’t have many historical mods going on either.
( mostly because of the equipment selector, but still )

The reason is a mid tier (late 42-early 44) doesn’t currently exist (for other problem), so is impossible make map just for it, and the middle map like Stalingrad and the new one, end be used in both the two current queues

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Literally one of the most criticised parts of the game.

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There’s a progression in this game? (∵)?

Do you live near the battlefield or something? Why are you so militantly opposed to having a high-BR map that isn’t urban combat?

Yes and it’s glorious. Best progression system ever in the whole history of gaming.

(It’s totally not criticised for low income, grind, redundancy and obsoleteness of gear etc. At least we don’t have maintnance yet.)


When did I say that?

HLL’s problem is the same as SQUAD and post scriptum’s; they didn’t design destruction or terrain deformation as initial features, and so you get stuck on wooden fences and small trees.

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That is what I said - mediocre, bad game. But people always get very angry if you show them that their game is not as good as they think :sweat_smile:

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This thread…

Thankfully enlisted is so great and high quality game, such things never happened here

Tiger stuck on stool

Panther gets stuck on comically small wall in Battle of Berlin campaign

Tank stuck in building when spawn

User experience in a tank is still poor on most maps

Can you please stop ranting about HLL finally? If you really want to do this, go to HLL discord.


I am not ranting about anything :sleeping:

I posted a video when someone explained that Enlisted is good because of quality, F2P and progression (not because of historical accuracy), but people saw logo of HLL and immedietely have start posting shit about this game (“I just love how this video has no single HLL frame. Makes you think if he actually played it.”).

Just like they have fear something :thinking:

well tbh enlisted also had similar moments… i remember getting stuck on pebble after i destroyed wall, not to mention that i couldnt move in either direction with after getting stuck here:


And you post videos “HLL bad, enlisted good” purely by coincidence. Just like the last 5 times you posted similar videos? Or mentioned/criticized HLL randomly without a reason?

ppl talking about trolls in enlisted? posts a video about trolls in hll

oftopic, straight up spreading missinformation

completely off topic post just to criticize hll

oh look, this one repeats!

off topic post just to criticize hll

this one is actually on topic, shocker

post to criticize hll and praise enlisted, because there are not enough videos just about enlisted

You are literaly the 90% of reasons why HLL is mentioned on this forum at all in the last year or so.

Stop playing mr “mastermind”. Better use all this time to heal your PTSD.


But this is high quality stuck. Not low quality stuck like other bad games image :-1:

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