User experience in a tank is still poor on most maps

I know the main focus of Enlisted is infantry, but tanks and aircraft are still important elements to the look and feel of the game. But the current user experience in a tank is still poor. It would be a real boost to game play if tanks/vehicles in Enlisted got a good dose of realism in driving, gun handling, view ports, and sound. For example, most 20 to 50 ton tracked vehicles would crush most cars, fences, gates without problem. But in Enlisted, I often get stuck on small debris or cant even traverse a bomb crater.


Or going up a slight incline drops you from a jog to a crawl


would be nice if the devs would go hay go find all the spots and items that make trouble and we will fix

@doshskia I appreciate your comment, but no actually that wouldn’t be nice for me. But then again, they shouldn’t have to IMO. This sort of thing should be handled by their collision model for the various map elements. I’m not suggesting this wouldn’t require Dev time to fix, I am simply suggesting it would really help make Enlisted better.

the devs have overlooked afew ingame assets that tanks get stuck that shouldnto be getting stuck on
however the devs dont really get the chance to play their game as they are working on it and many of the items that we get stuck on are many and sometimes a destoryed version of some items, while most trees may burst or get pushed over there are a few that dotn follow the same rules

but for me berlin is the worse for this many of the stone pillers afew of the trees and the flak 88 mounts, searchlight mounts and generaters pose bits that can lift the tank off the ground


Even infantry have a poor experience. Infantry often get stuck flipping through windows. Even if the problem of flipping the window cannot be solved, the random barbed wire everywhere in Berlin should be removed. The most representative is the wreckage of the aa guns scattered throughout Berlin. I know that darkflow places these decorations to enhance the atmosphere of the battlefield, but these decorations seriously affect the game experience. The barbed wire around them always pissed me off, And these aa guns always block my tanks (as well as the trees in the woods). Tanks are always stuck by some strange obstacles, and the damaged low walls are the worst problem. The wreckage base of these low walls will stuck the tank. Yesterday in Berlin, my IS2 got stuck by this wreck, and it was at the last point of an invasion. We were almost out of manpower and we needed tank support asap,when my tank was stuck by stupid terrain, and in the end, we lost. This really angered me to death.

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Did the panther have a horrible reverse speed IRL like it does in-game?

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yeah similar to what we have in game.

Yes. Yes it did, welcome to the club. Remember Germany wasn’t thinking of retreating when they built their tanks. Unlike the french. Damn i’d love to see the B1 or B2 ingame.

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I think your right, the Dev’s are likely very busy with a long list of things to do. But the game is still in Beta, and I consider it still early days for Enlisted. It will take some time to get all the kinks worked out I am sure, but I hope there is a focus on adding/improving realism as they progress.

Agreed, there are problems with movement for both infantry and vehicles. But vehicles are by far the worst IMO, and it’s not just getting stuck. The change in ground resistance as you go from on-road to off-road is overdone IMO. Especially for rubber tire vehicles like the AB 41, or Sdkfz 234/2.

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There should be people on the Dev team who’s job is specifically to play the game for the purposes of testing it and finding bugs and balance issues. We can call them quality assurance testers.

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I wonder if they ever going to fix the trenches trying to cross them most of the time your vehicle won’t have enough horse power to cross them and fall inside, in WT it’s practically impossible to fall into trenches but in Enlisted it’s everyday issue


Agreed. I think most of the work has had to go into the infantry side of the game with work on vehicles 2nd.

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The one that iritates me the most is when you slightly go over something and the gun just bounces up loads


i find trenches to be rather shit, they are all of two depths and of the same width

Tiger II having the best reverse of all Axis tanks but light tanks

Yes gun handling in vehicles should be reviewed for realism. The view from the gun sight will obviously change according to the angle of the hull, but it can at times also bounce like you said as if it is not fixed to the hull.

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Tank driving is terrible. Every little stone or something blocks u and the tank turns around (tf?)

i assume the problem is that all those obstacles are hard coded parts of the map and require hundreds of hours to find and remove/change throughout the enlisted maps.

→ DF will never do that, they dont even put in the work for little bugs in time.
→ DF Helpers will do it :smiley: , so that needs to be delegated towards a bunch of them and we can have the issue solved realistically after 2-4 weeks for all maps.