Gentlemen, I have gotten my hands on not only blueprints of important buildings in Stalingrad but also entire maps of the city and pictures. Many of the maps are in Russian, and I do not speak Russian. However, I know how to identify the critical locations by following the train tracks.
Helpful tip:
- Follow the train tracks to the junctions, and you will eventually find the Central Train station. Once you find the Central Station, go down the streets until you see more places you recognize.
Detailed map of Stalingrad:
German Plan for Stalingrad:
Fallen Fighters Square:
Grain Silo Blueprint???:
Map of a part of Stalingrad:
Northern part of Stalingrad:
Maps of parts of Stalingrad:
(Locations of Russian Troops in Stalingrad?)
Photos of Tractor Factory:
Central District Photo:
Radio Towers and Barrikady Factory:
(Part of Barrikady recon?)
The Stalingrad maps suffer in terms of detail, forethought, and gameplay.
Because the map was not scaled and did not have their buildings correctly placed the first time, you have paratroopers who can drop on point and will either take it or hold it just enough until their teammates start pouring in. Players are at the point of killing their soldiers as soon as an objective is lost to have a fighting chance. If the map were scaled correctly, the paratrooper’s buddies would have much running to do (plus building a rally). This would also make APCs even more valuable since they can speedily traverse that long distance.
Look at all the buildings that must be fought over to avoid the 250 to 300-yard run on Sniper Lane. It should give enough time to set up a defense and get established:
Since the points are already close, paratroopers can drop immediately near the new point as soon as an objective is taken and wipe the view bots that spawned into the point, waiting for their team to finish off stragglers and join them.
Many other maps for every faction also suffer this issue since, just like Stalingrad, they were not designed to handle paratroopers because they were not made according to the battlefields they took place. Due to the neglect of detail and the lack of forethought on the effects of paratroopers, gameplay suffered. Not scaling buildings to their correct size (interior and exterior), shortening distances of objectives by making the buildings smaller than they ought, or just outright not including buildings because that would mean that people would have to play Enlisted a specific way.
To prevent more issues like this from popping up when new classes of soldiers with different abilities are added, the Central Stalingrad map needs to be edited and revised. I have taken the liberty to provide accurate photos, maps, and even blueprints of buildings for this job. All you have to do is trace the drawing and improvise on interiors (types of walls, floors, colors, etc).
I have also given you information on future map prospects, such as pictures of the locations, maps, and blueprints in Stalingrad. You can do what you want with the information and use it to make masterpieces or not use it all and go on a whim, but you can’t fall back on not being aware of the information since it was given to you.
I hope you look at these maps, photos, and blueprints with attention and use them to your advantage. Goodbye.