CURRENT AND future CLASS feel free to add

---------Infantry Current
-----AT Weapons
-----Uses SMG’s
-----Builds structures
----Uses flamethrower
-------Uses MG’s
------Heals-disperses med packs
----uses parachute
-----Calls in artillery (Gun)
-----Calls in Artillery (Rocket)
-----Uses sniper rifle

--------Current Vehicle classes
----Delivers infantry by APC
—Flies fighters and Attackers
----- (Vehicles with rockets)
----Drives Tanks

---------Proposed classes by Enlisted posters
Amphibious vehicle
Light vehicles (armored cars)



—Helf target artillery (gun/rockets), vehicle rockets, bombers, bombing guns all indirect fire

----SF Rifles

Personally I didn’t think we needed another class because I feel we have pretty much all bases covered.

Kind of pointless since we already have a few so no need for a new class

Some armored cars are already in game and they’re basically “light tanks”. APCs are basically the light vehicle slot and even I wonder if it was even necessary to make a new class.

Useless unless we get he ability to penetrate the gray zone, and even then if one class is going to be able to dive into the gray zone it should be Paratroopers since that was their job

Possible, perhaps no more will every single Riflemen have the ability to use rifle grenades and instead a specific class.

No point since Radio is the call-in support

Ehhh just another Paratrooper. In my head the use of gliders would basically be a “flying rally points” in that when it lands and your squad leaves it becomes basically a rally point; but is there really a point for such a thing when maps and battles are small and you’re basically just crashing straight into the frontline

Neat but I don’t know if it would work. Horses certainly were a huge part of WW2 but they were mostly just used for logistics. I don’t know how I feel about D-Day with the cavalry charging off the beach

Most definitely not. Doesn’t really fit the soldier meta

But is there really a point when the Radio can just call in artillery

But what’s the point when it would basically just be another Assaulter. Again if any class should be able to pierce the gray zone it might as well just be Paratroopers

Self propelled artillery most likely would never be a specific class. They would just be added to the arsenal of tankers. Even then we already have a few “spgs”

Just goes to tankers as most every other vehicle or perhaps Riders


many useless proposed class like why we need a assaulter v2 or a worst paratrooper,or tank squad dedicated to light vehicles it make no sense,tho officer for soldiers buffs is not bad of a idea

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Personally I do think the Glider idea I had honestly does sound cool, but like I said the issue is our battles are so small that there’s no point. I’d say if maps and battles were giant then it would work having a flying rally point

Some sort of automatic riflemen that like the proposed grenadier retroactively removes automatic rifles from the rifleman class. This would help to alleviate issues with the current meta and people stacking automatic rifles on a bunch of 9 man riflemen squads.

The first thing to do is to add para into the tech tree

Im ok with grenadier and auto rifleman but we need a limitation.
ONLY grenadiers must be able to be equipped with grenade rifles
Same goes goes auto rifles.
Every gaddamn infantry should not be able to use those higly specialised weapons.

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