Grenadier Class needs to be Added

I think this is an easy-to-acknowledge feature that needs to be implemented in the game. The reality is that stacking 9-man squads with 27 rifle grenades and god knows how many impact grenades is not only absurd but it ruins gameplay. It’s good that the rifle grenades were moved up to BR 3 but that’s not enough.

Rifle Grenades need to be locked behind a “Grenadier” Class. I propose adding a squad for these classes that can unlock up to 3 grenadiers as well as have options to have an (Assaulter or MG gunner), a (Radio Operator, Engineer, AT Gunner), as well as (Radio Operator, Engineer, or Medic). The total squad size would be 6 at maximum unlocked slots, starting with 4 and adding 2.

Additionally, I would add a Grenadier unlock option to the Rifle Squads, Assault Squads, and Flamethrower Squads since I think it would complement those squads well.

This suggestion just acknowledges both the historical aspect that not every rifleman was trained on rifle grenades, and the gameplay aspect that fighting against rifle grenade spam will be detrimental to gameplay.


I think it’s reasonable.


I agree that something should be done to limit the ability to spam powerful weapons. I think a better and more holistic approach would be to introduce a system to limit what types of weapons can be equipped at a given time.

Give hard limits for weapons per soldier/squad/army, or a point system where more powerful weapons cost more to bring, forcing choices of what to equip.

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Also make large grenade bag their “unique” item plz.


I’d prefer if the impact grenades were their unique item. What military on earth even uses that kind of a weapon? It’s just plain cheese.


they could make it detonate on some materials like wood, metal, rock and frozen ground but dose’nt detonate in mud, sand, water and snow as they are not reliable on explode some materials

well the new meta after they restrict if they restrict impacts is normal grenades

Such class doesnt even exist at all
“Grenadier” was the name for soldiers during 16th and 17th century whose main job was throwing grenades on enemy.
Grenades back then were primitive and hard to use.
You needed a special force who trained to use gremades and brave enought to come close to enemy.
Usage of grenades gradually declined as cannons and rifles were being improved until 19th century;
But the name " grenadier" continued to be used for shock troops
Fun fact: those famous british grenadiers were not using grenades as standart equipment at all
This is a ww2 game not early modern era

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Normal grenades should be the meta in a balanced game. Impact grenades do lower damage and have a reduced blast radius but they’re very clearly above regular grenades in the game meta, so they are better off being restricted. You’d want to promote regular grenades as the anti-infantry option, explosive packs as anti-tank, smoke as obstruction, and molotovs as area of denial. Impact grenades have an issue where they’re more useful than regular grenades so the balance options are to play with the stats or nerf.

I think the best option would be to buff regular grenades to have a kill radius of ~15m-20m (Closer to their lethal fragment range of 30m.) I think 15m is the best option personally. Currently, impact grenades have a damage radius of 8m while frags have 10. The main tradeoff is that regular grenades have a max damage of 75 and impact nades have 25. But with ~13.5 being the kill cut off there’s not a lot of room for the grenades to show a meaningful impact.


" Grenadier can also refer to soldiers using grenade launchers, including those mounted on rifles. During World War I a proposal to designate specialist grenade launching units in the British Army as grenadiers was vetoed by the Grenadier Guards, who considered that they now had exclusive rights to the ancient distinction, and the term “bomber” was substituted."


Sir, we think alike; continue the good work.

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Skip to 43:00 sir.


Return WP to its former glory, but only limit it to a grenadier. They can only carry one WP per squad as well.


Better idea. Make WP an unlockable shell for mortar squads. But additionally make WP hazardous to teammates and the enemy with a hefty friendly fire penalty if you kill friendlies.


Do both muahahahahaha

I am thinking five shells per mortar man.


well mortar might be new sniper class after that if they add wp

I think they still exaggerate the impact nades. Most impact nades are offensive grenades. Their damage is still limited, as in the recent case of the Ukrainian rural parliament

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I laugh every time I read something like this.

The simplest solution is to follow historical levels of squad issue !!!

On average, you would get 1 SMG, 1 LMG, one specialist weapon be it a marksman rifle or grenade attachment, and a whole bunch of regular rifles to the limit of a given nations squad !

There would be no arguments over this BR nonsense or whether one weapon was more powerful than the other. Implement the weapons as realistically as the game can handle and then follow national orders of battle and issue.

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I wouldn’t add a new squad for it, just implement a side grade for Rifleman so a Rifleman can become a “Rifle Grenadier” (And limit Rifle Grenadiers to 2 per Rifle Squad, and 1 per any other squad).

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I mean it’d give the devs some free “Premium Squad” material to work with. Also it fits within the existing game system instead of asking them to code some new buggy mess.