Changes suggested after testing the update

I’m criticising the change, you multiquote my text and at least partially write a response to what I have been saying and then write “you”.

Yeah, kinda does come across as you talking to me - I can’t read your mind. But fine, as it seems that I misinterpreted your post - then apologies for overreaction.

Those were in the game for the longest of times and now you start complaining about them?

Not going to include the German squad? Interesting choice.

The squad slots alone are the value of the entire pack. Which you’re being refunded. Throw in the two premium squads (at minimum a $30 value) plus all the gear in the campaign. The xp bonus and other stuff is hard to put a price on, but you’re keeping at least $60 worth of stuff, twice the value of the original pack.

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Admittedly the “you” is confusing. I was branching off what you were saying to address a broader issue with balance that I saw many talking about, which extends beyond the Stalingrad engineers. So that is on me.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to exonerate the devs either. Stalingrad was just awfully designed. My personal opinion is they’ve done a pretty good job at making hard decisions and compensating the pack owners, but that can’t excuse the flop that it was to begin with.

I’ve been complaining about them as they were introduced to the game and nothing have changed since most people got conditioned by War Thunder that premium packs are fine even tho they may be overpowered.

Honestly i dont care that stalingrad engineers are losing assault rifles (im just gonna give mine bredas or VG 1-5s anyway)

But as changes “arent final”, i suppose you could just turn “one” of the stalingrad engineer squads into a premium squad to be exempt from the rules.

Guys that bought stalingrad get hushed up, new players can still get it…you have a new profit item.

Just throwing it out there as compromise. But yeah, the change is warranted


None of those things had separated price tag all of them were priced as $30, those premium packs were just a bonus not a main selling point, you know what was most important in the advertisement? x4 xp, discount on the upgrades, 4 star weapons/soldiers. No mention of slots or premium packs. They also lied about no microtransactions. I won’t value those premium for more than a $5 each since they were always just a meme and they haven’t even let me to grind more than a 10k xp, just normal squads with 4x bonus was way better. Agree about slots being worth as much as the entire pack however how could you put value of those other perks that going to be removed and one of them are Stalingrad AR engineers that supposed to be owned by me “forever”.

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That would be the smartest way to do this (give us Axis + Soviet new premium pack with AR Engineers as the compensation) and for new players let them buy it in the shop as they did with Pacific premiums.


Silver Changes

these are most welcomed.

Removing the Squad Carousel

This is so close to what I want yet so far. There is a reason that the suggestion I made regarding this had certain squad types exempt / higher limits and it was limited to the “specialty squads” that have bonuses such as unique soldier classes or ability to construct things that other classes can’t. Those benefits balance out the lack of ability to bring more than X number of that squad type. (IE you can only bring 1 flamethrower squad but they can equip flametroopers types that no other squad type can, or you can only bring 1 machine gunner, but they can build HMGs, etc). If a squad type does not have a unique ability or class type that other classes are not able to utilize, they should not be restricted.

This would mean that Rifleman, Assaulter, Sniper, and AT Gunners (unless AT Gunners get the ability to build larger caliber AT Guns) should be unlimited or have a higher limit that you can “carousel” them.

Filter for Squads

This was MUCH needed, thank you.

Engi’s from Stali.

I don’t mind this IF the plan was that going forward these squads would be sunset, as with their ability to use AR’s If these squads were to remain and be obtainable by future players (or those that don’t have them currently), then it should be limited to that squad specifically and not the engineer (could make it a squad upgrade for them maybe).

It doesn’t stop premium player spamming 3 flamers, assaulter, planes, tanks, automatic… though…


Except the limitation for 2 class only only apply for F2P players

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I have a great solution to the Stalingrad MKb controversy

Ok, a not so friendly misunderstanding but all good. I got annoyed because I’m tired and I felt you were lazily strawmanning me while I explicitly said something else.

I personally don’t care about Stalingrad engineers. If they had come out in the beginning and said “guys, we know you like this functionality but it doesn’t make sense in the merge for obvious balance reasons” then things would be different.

This for me boils down to two things:
1.) Respect: You don’t promise one thing and then just change your mind without compensation. I particularly don’t enjoy these word tricks where the devs are dressing their promises all of a sudden as privileges which they can just remove like that. It’s just not cool. It doesnt ultimately matter why they do it, they need to show good faith because…

2.) Of trust. Where it all comes down to. If the devs feel that they can change the terms because of whatever reason just like that, then what prevents them from doing it again in the future? Why should we trust them? I don’t think that giving the devs leeway like this is right on a principle level, but also dont think it will really be good for the community on the long run. The devs must also earn and maintain the trust towards the community with good faith behaviour.

This is not it. Not good enough for me.


I though the focking point of the BR system is people who use 6 StG44s no longer par with fricking Mosin M1907 no more? So why the Fock you think there is advantage against new player when they can’t even reach that BR?

So you are removing things because you can’t fix your own mistake that you brought up on the table? What about paratroopers? Clearly those are totally balanced, limit of 2 class? Dude, you let premium player bypass that shite so they can keep cycling 3 vehicles, paratroopers, flamers and Assaulters, oh because of new player, great fricking deal, cuz they can also join the cult by purchasing para squad right?

What next? Another reset because you guys can’t fix existing crap?


I’m aware, that’s why I said value, not price.

All of these are bonuses that would have become useless at some point, even prior to the merge. Campaigns were supposed to be capped at 40 levels, so once you unlocked everything, those benefits would not help your progress anymore.

Ultimately that is why I believe Stalingrad failed. They were cool benefits, but in the end they would outlive their own usefulness.

The only micro transactions that I recall, are the few useless premium squads. None of those squads offered a unique benefit. Take the Suomi squad. Very cool weapon, but there’s no reason to use it over an MP717.

So sure, technically a lie, but that’s not telling the full story. Those micro transactions didn’t give you an advantage in any way.

You can’t, really. The closest thing is to add up the value of all the unlocks and see how much you’re getting. But there’s no good way to keep those perks. In terms of compensation, we are not being shortchanged.

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Oh no, you are wrong.After the merger, your soldiers don’t need to upgrade their stars, but they need to spend silver coins to choose their skills, which is equivalent to canceling the welfare that you can directly get 4-star soldiers in Stalingrad. This is very cunning and even difficult to find.


Ah, I get you now. I have to agree, they should have known in the original announcement that keeping that feature wasn’t really going to work and just said so up front.

That’s a good point too. I’ll guess we’ll have to see how it all plays out. If this starts to become a pattern of behavior and we see more failed monetization attempts like Stalingrad, things aren’t going to go very good.

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Tanks to “only two squads of the same specialization”,I think many people will commit suicide after calling a round of shelling or commit suicide attacks by plane in the future.Forcing players to use things they don’t like will only make things worse.And I will choose a combination of snipers, mortars and signalmen.I’m not allowed to use the same squads on the front line,It’s like having a spoonful of salt in two sweets, which is very unpleasant.So I’d rather stay in the gray area all the time.Anyway, I’m just “providing fire support”, so no one will blame me.

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Big deal.

Doesn’t stop anyone from using:

  • 2 assaulters squads & 1 gunner squad, or
  • 2 assaulters squads & 1 flammer, or
  • assaulters & 9 fg42II men, etc.

It really doesn’t do much.

In a sense, nothing much differs. I’m one of those big bad premium whales, and yet I never ever once used 3 of the same squad type in my lineup. Not once. Because it’s unnecessary, and makes me less versatile.

Truth is I don’t care at all either way. Ppl seem to be upset over very few, this time. I don’t mind if they aren’t proficient in anything else than assaulters, nor do I care with the new limit devs proposed.

I just don’t. Cause it changes nothing. It doesn’t nerf players efficiency as there’s other types just as good, but it doesn’t solve spam either.

I’m just happy about the economy fix and the new sorting option, which are nice.


I think these are good changes!

There may be better ways to control squad cycling but this is fine. Better than nothing.

Engineers should all be the same so I like that change too.