Compromise - remove MKB from Stalingrad pioneers and refund the players by giving out a special premium pioneer squad

would make the most sense in my mind, consistency with game rules should matter greatly, but just removing AR pioneers completely screws over those that got the Stalingrad pack specifically for that reason.

So giving out premium AR squads seems reasonable to me


I pretty much threw that out there in the main thread also. Seems logical


same way of thinking… guess the forum is on fire right now so much brain storming going on right now.

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Ofcourse the downside is, it will be the same class of premium as the tunisia flamethrowers haha…pay to win.

Germans would obviously get locked to mkb…but what would soviets get? They dont lose AVT-40?

If the suggestion is fedorov id say fuck it, let the stalingrad engineers die lol


Yes, it is extremely bad behavior to take away what the player bought for any reason without compensation.Although it seems meaningless to give the Soviet Union an AVT40 engineering team, it is a sincere question.

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When merge happen, avt 40 will be useable(since rifle in merge. Germans have the fg which is arguably better than mkb (Normandy Allies main cry in pain)

They could get rof nerfed AS-44, AS-44 had 5 iteration we have 4th and 5th in a game so they could try giving us any of first three, i’m sure they would behave quite different from new ones just like German ARs.

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Yeah, I was mostly excited for this as a way to diversify my lineup and move in some StGs that I otherwise wouldn’t be using. It would have been a bit more meta on the Soviets with the AS-44.

I personally don’t think we need a Premium Engineer squad with Assault rifles

But I will say I have proposed a new weapon that should be available for everyone (so no special squad) that will take the place of the Mkb

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That or painted gun is fine for me