We need better maps (The end?)

Yeah, we are talking about maps. :grinning:

I think we need different gamemods to play on the bigger maps. Maybe somewhen we can play whole the map (not cutted pieces). Now itā€™s hard to create wide maps and do not increase number of players. And I do not say about solo fighters game mod.


It may work well with this idea: More active and improved game mode suggestion (counterattack)
It would synergise very well. If the map would be realy big than every point would be quite big. And because whole team has to atack one / two points we would bypass the problem of lack of organization I wrote about earlier.


My dream is:

Remove gamemode selection menu and make lone fighters fixed for conquest and squads fixed for invasion

Introduce ā€œchargeā€ gamemode, I made a suggestion for this gamemode like 3 months ago
Here is a link

It will look interesting but I think battles will last 2 hours

Yeah, something like Normandy (Beach assault map) but meeting engagement stile.

Looks nice, I like it

Just so we can replace the conquest with something cooler.

And leave conquest for lone fighters

I donā€™t care what happeds to lone fighters mode. In my opinion you should play cod / bf for this so I wonā€™t give any ideas.

So how about 3-4 pieces of one big map. And every pieces of whole map is a different play but linked by a single common progress. Not so big as a World War mode but opportunity to bundle all map pieces together.

I donā€™t think itā€™s the best idea. It would feel like you lost / won because some guys, you havenā€™t even met, did sth. It would cause lack of satisfaction for doing your job.

Would be nice, you can definitely make your own suggestion and post it so devs will know


I completely agree

Lone fighters was introduced because some morons kept screaming: ā€œReMoVe AIā€ so lone fighters was introduced to keep their mouths shut

I think about it, thx but this is realy important notice

I mean it worked
Now they want a ā€œmode that truly is without botsā€ because lone fighters you do fight with bots because it is too shit to be played kek

? XD



Thatā€™s why these suggestions require some thinking but itā€™s still good when we keep bringing it up so devs can finally wake up and do something

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Enlisted now just canā€™t get rid of WTā€™s stuff.
But WT is vehicle only, Enlisted is a mixture.
The WT like sector(control point) boundary makes games lack complex capture/defend feeling. See RO2 for how to draw the sector boundary. Enlistedā€™s sector is toooo small and tooo simple. Sometimes only a simple circle.
PLEASE! This is a FPS game! Not WT! Infantry is flexible instead of WTā€™s tanks. Draw the boundary larger to create actual feeling of attacking for something, not a plain circle area.
Also map is lack of details, see my previous unfinished post of comparing this with RO2.
Also, for lonefighter, player number is a bit less, the map is big enough for 25~30 x2 players.


yeah imagine it in a 2021 game lolā€¦devs never played any ww2 games like rising storm 2 or any other games where you have multiple approaches when attacking a sector pointā€¦in enlisted it is eiter a circle or a small house which you can cutoff by 2-3 machine gun nests onlyā€¦gg

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Also to mention that tanks effect only 10% of the whole battlefield

One team can win effectively without touching tanks at all

Enlisted needs to do something about gamemodes.
These circles require players to camp + if enemy starts to bomb the pont with artillery, you canā€™t run because if you do, enemy will capture.

Invasion is cool and somewhat original but even that gamemode needs tons of reworks.

I would love to see something like in Hell let loose

Territories are squares on the map and to capture them, you have to outnumber the enemy on that territory


Honestly the gamemode is better executed in the Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare games. They also executed the perks better lmfao (max 10% more health for example, but you only need it on one guy and itā€™s much easier to obtain, while also limiting you by only 3 perk choices so you might not always want the extra health).