We need better maps (The end?)

How about a U shaped map? As a most basic example of the map dynamic I’m referring to.

Each team spawns on one of the tips of the U, the lines of which are built-up areas with an open killzones in the middle.

It’s possible to fight across that killzone, which would favor long range weapons, but also possible to take the longer route through cover.

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Not a bad idea,
With this huge map (much more cool places not yet discovered compared to Normandy map) Moscow has protentional to implement a large variety of options and battles

Since when trailers lasts 12 minutes???
:joy: :joy:

“Официальный трейлер (отчетный ролик)” // Trailer-report. This picture is still work-in-progress.

By the way, In Soviet Russia trailers are 10 minutes at least. This is the order of the party.


Good to know.
Although I don’t like 90% of “war” movies because Germans are shown as idiots.
Where is glory in defeating idiots?!

In mother Russia,
Trailers watch YOU

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Maybe because showing nazis as cool guys will promote Nazism

I suggest you to watch german ww2 movies,

Germans are not shown as idiots but they are still shown as war criminals and killers

I think so too. Third Reich army was well equiped, hardened in battles, well trained, cold blood and lead by very good commanders. So when the such unstoppable army was crushed - that was the glory. This should be shown in films about those times.


I don’t want them to be cool. I want them to be competent. I know I’m asking too much from movie companies but I feel offended that movies suggest that my great grandad was almost killed by bunch of idiots on meth.

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Showing that enemy was better but we defeatet him is much more enjoyable.
My point of view is:
I would rather want to lose arm wrestling with the strongest man alive than win with 6 years old girl.


Yes, and then they give us films where nazis (and Imperial Japan btw) shown as a bunch of dummies. This is not history that was in real life.


watch generation kill good german movie

You mean ‘‘Generation war’’?

“Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter”? It has been on my “to watch” list for a long time.
Some time ago it was quite loud about this series in my country because there was a suggestion (or sth like that) that poles killed jews. I don’t remember how it ended up but I suspect it expired.

Actually that’s true

Even Poles weren’t flowers in ww2 and hated jews

Not as much as Nazis, but they still hated them on some level

Are you from Poland?


Yes, but it was more like lynchment than sth organized like some people think. Tbh I don’t think there is a country which citizens didn’t kill jews at some point in history. I mean countries that had jewish minorities.

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Jews were hated everywhere where they arrived.

They were bullied mostly by countries that had high amount of patriots (such as Germany, Poland, Russia…)

It is always easy to blame someone from “outside”.
Now leave this discussion and get back to original topic.

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I totally forgot this was about new maps


After this comment, I only want comments regarding the topic
@VoyoMayPL is right

Devs will close the thread if we ruin the topic


Maybe I’ll be obvious, but people are different. There was a russian Vlasov’s Army ( Russian Liberation Army), XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps, Schutzmannschaft-Brigade Siegling and so on. They are technically from soviet lands, but they obviously on the nazis side. Same we can find in every country.

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