We need better maps (The end?)

So that leans more towards objective design being the problem because they encourage zerg tactics.

What I was getting at with the monastery is that players don’t have to jump into a meat grinder, and it’s usually smarter for them to secure the area around the objective, but they opt for the meat grinder instead.

The monastery is a good map that players willingly play in the stupidest way possible. We could have massive maps but it wouldn’t stop both teams from still fighting over 1 house

Then the only thing left is to see how will it look like in OBT and then decide what to do next


I don’t think OBT will look any different.

They might complain about a weapon nobody cares about right now, because I’ve seen it before, but playstyles will stay the same.

I really hope that when Enlisted will be Released this will be in the game… :slight_smile:


:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


like I’ve said before, the press kit says otherwise.


uniting all the maps in a battlefield style it’s a good idea,

but currently, we lack of transports.

refferring to what i discovered:

we only have jeeps, opel blitzes for the germans,
while the russians and americans does not have any vehicles outside cars.

meaning that we lack of trucks for 2/3 of nations, and above all, halftracks.

without those, it would be night mare for troops to arrive. even if you have cars ( only 4 sits compared to full 7 size of a squad )

second point, that would require more units of AI to cover almost all points.

or perhaps could be made like mordhau frontline gamemode.

where you start from HQ, and conquer all your way up until you conquer each point, or drain other team reinforcements. and once you captured points, people can spawn there if not contested.

earlier to say, and too much work behind. we’ll have to see.

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I think he was referring to maps, not player count

the maps are that size already

Plus, we got some civilians car ready to use… As it shown in the game files and that secret documents in latest discussion, so yes

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The thing is that the post doesn’t specify whether you will be able to play on the entire map in a single match, or at all (for example, with all Moscow maps combined, over 50% of the Moscow map is still unplayable). It only specifies that the total map size is “big”.

Many of those vehicles are from previous years and might not make a reappearance.

iirc I heard the Russian armored car was OP

The armored car was never used in Moscow, on top of being nigh unkillable simply because a 37mm shell wasn’t even able to kill 1 guy in a single hit, taking 6+ shots to kill the entire crew, while also being very hard to disable gun wise, or engine wise.

Hmm russian car, eh? Lemme see…ba-11? Or somethin else…

Yes but 140 soldiers in the battle is right now in beta tests…

In future I hope they do hundreds of soldiers on maps up to hundreds of square kilometers like they said on begin the development… :slight_smile:

Im still optimist in this and I trust them that they can do it… :slight_smile:

They never said that, m8
They said ONE hundred SOLDIERS, not PLAYERS.
They never said one map would have a playable area of hundreds of square kilometers either. Only that ALL maps totalled in hundreds of square kilometers.

You are hoping for something that is both never promised, and technically nearly impossible

There is still hope we can get something like Normandy

I thought you wanted bigger maps

WE all wanted a bigger map here bud (me too), now it’s just only a meatgrinderfest…not enough room or space to play, well i think something i suggest is one of the solutions for the devs to consider, hehe

Update on this topic:
First I want to thank you all for positive (and negative, criticism is always accepted) feedback

Now I found a place on the map which can be used for open field engagements:
It’s located near monastery and is not too huge but it is comparable with maps of Normandy:

Снимак екрана (85)_LI

Red: german spawn (forest)
Blue: russian spawn (behind the trench)
Green: first capture point

Bolt action and semi auto rifles will be good when the battle just begun, after germans come closer to the trenches, SMG will come into play

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Im not saying what I want. I am only stating what was promised, and that I do not have my hopes up.

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