Testing the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

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well i hope the event is a high br one since these are low br it would only make sense

Damn, soviets go no special clothes for stalingrad? Thats bad…

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It wouldn’t even have required that much effort, just a worn out uniform, maybe a basic shotgun shell bandolier and a hachimaki headband, good enough for holdout style guerrillas.

Maybe a ghillie suit if they wanted to be fancy, but yeah otherwise this would’ve been pretty simple.

(also yes those are images from a movie I know, but gives a rough idea of what I mean)


I can easily play with Marder for variety if i’d want to. But having two Marders is an impossibility.

'cause you have squads from the pre merge.

people that came after, don’t.

Ofc i do. It’s obvious that some people would be able to have more squads than others.

you’re missing the point though.

aka, these new tds will be overshadowed by most because they have better picks.

That’s debacle. This whole greyzone gimmick is pure toxicity. It’s even worse than I thought.

Either remove greyzone for all classes, or remove this gimmick nonsense for guerrillas

I keep hoping that thanks to this test, and the feedback coming with, that both Marders will go to br 2 where they’re supposed to be.

You know. Facing br2 su76…


Honestly what’s the point of overnerfed German Obrez if i can use ZK-383 with 5.7 dmg per bullet instead of dreadful 4.0 dmg per bullet? ZK even has better recoil and a bipod. MP-41(r) had 5.7 dmg per bullet in unupgraded form.


There is absolutely no point in a PVP game if you aren’t given a team to support you
Its just you getting farmed non stop
I wonder why this game is pissing players

I know it might be too hard to implement this since actual players are unlocking guns like Beretta M1/PPSH-41 box and Auto 5 at this very moment.
But it would be ideal if the new weapons/class were the first unlock and not the sub-folder unlock.

The JPN guerillas are a stand-alone unlock and visible to new players. But the guerillas are too concealed for USSR/GER/US since they’re hidden behind normal weapon unlocks.

UI bug for the new ppsh weapons btw

Yep. A little shade of olive on this one I suppose. Nice.

This! :heart:

No ability to have an engineer
No ability to have a machine gunner
No ability to have an anti tank soldier

As somebody who builds rally points I would disagree


The us guerrilla squad despite being Australian has us faces, us helmets and us pants but Australian shirts, can they be changed to have aussie/british, faces, Aussie or British pants and have the icon slouch hat as a customization option for helmet or hat


There’s no outfit option without volkssturm armband for new german guerrilla squad in campaigns like Stalingrad, Tunisia, Moscow…

Seems like HA argument was always just excuse for unpopular changes. Since you really do not care about HA at all.


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes for the "Guerrilla Warfare" update:

When will the detailed information of tanks and planes in X-ray perspective be available online.

Normal squad

Ain’t that a bit too overpowered? You can not only get to enemy spawns but further than their spawns and shoot at their backs.